This is the devotion I offered in chapel this AM from 1 Kings 19 and 2 Kings 2:1-14. It doesn’t appear yet on the WSC Audio page but it is available via iTunes. WSC makes the Tuesday and Thursday chapel messages available . . . Continue reading →
old covenant
Herman Witsius on Republication
Thanks to John Hendryx at Monergism for compiling this.
Office Hours: Steve Baugh on Hebrews 7:18-28
Steve Baugh, Professor of NT at Westminster Seminary California, joins us for this episode Office Hours that takes a look at Hebrews 7:18–28. Does Hebrews teach that the Ten Commandments are no longer valid for Christians? What does “law” mean here? How did the old . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Hywel Jones on Hebrews 8
The Christians to which the book of Hebrews was written were struggling with the temptation to leave that which is unseen for that which is seen, to go backwards in the history of redemption to those things that are described as “shadows” . . . Continue reading →
The Old Covenant
One of the most difficult questions in describing the history of redemption is to give a clear, concise, account of the differences between the old and new covenants. When I say “old covenant” I’m not referring to everything that happened before the . . . Continue reading →
Untangling Webs Of Assumptions About Baptism
Wendy writes, I remain confused as to why God in being ‘more generous’ has actually also made it ‘more ambiguous’. Wheras under the Old Covenant the command (and its benefits) were explicit, under the New they must be deduced by inference…. I . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 112: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children (8)
This is episode 8 of our series: I will be a God to You and to Your Children. Last time we looked at circumcision, about which we saw that, just as with the bloodshed of the sacrifice of pigeons, bulls, goats, and . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 113: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children (9)
Does initiation of covenant children into the visible covenant people expire with the new covenant? Is the new covenant absolutely relatively new? Is it new relative to Abraham or new relative to Moses? These are the topics we’re investigating in this episode of the Heidelcast. Continue reading →
Heidelcast 114: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children (10)
In the last episode, in this episode and in the next, we’re looking at what Scripture says about the new covenant. We’ve looked at what Jeremiah 31:31-34 actually says, how Paul interprets it, and now we want to turn our attention to . . . Continue reading →
Owen: Leviticus 18:5 Is Nothing But A Revival Of The Covenant Of Works
1. This covenant, called “the old covenant,” was never intended to be of itself the absolute rule and law of life and salvation unto the church, but was made with a particular design, and with respect unto particular ends. This the apostle . . . Continue reading →
John Owen: The New Covenant Is The Abrahamic Covenant Renewed
18. Thus under the old testament, when God would take the posterity of Abraham into a new, peculiar church-state, he did it by a solemn covenant. Herein, as he prescribed all the duties of his worship to them, and made them many . . . Continue reading →
Abraham Was Not Moses
Several years ago, I had the privilege of contributing an article to 9Marks. The point of my post there (and here) was not to argue the specifics of the paedobaptist (infant baptizing) case, but nevertheless, in response to that contribution, a correspondent . . . Continue reading →