Christ’s ascension is a ground of contentment in all conditions. What if we lack comfort, houses, or anything on earth, when we have heaven provided for us, and glory provided for us in our Head? Will not any condition content a man . . . Continue reading →
Republication of the Covenant of Works
Boston: The Marrow On Pedagogical Republication
Therefore, “the law entered,” [Rom 5:20] that Adam’s offence and their own actual transgression might abound, so that now the Lord saw it needful, that there should be a new edition and publication of the covenant of works, the sooner to compel . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Ignorance Of The Distinction Between Law And Gospel Fuels Self Righteousness
Ignorance of the difference between the law and the gospel promotes also, in a great degree, the strength and influence of a self-righteous temper. When a man is driven to acts of obedience by the dread of God’s wrath revealed in the . . . Continue reading →
Boston: Faith Establishes The Law
Object. “Do we then make void the law,” (Rom. 3:31.) leaving an imputation of dishonour upon it, as a disregarded path, by pretending to return another way? Answ. Sinners, being united to Christ by faith, return, being carried back the same way . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: New Converts Need To Be Taught The Distinction Between Law And Gospel
If awakened sinners are ignorant of the leading points of difference between the law and the gospel, this will discourage them much from attempting to come to Christ for salvation. If they cannot distinguish aright between the law and the gospel, they . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: No Natural Knowledge Of The Gospel
The law is known partly by the light of nature (Rom. 2:14–15), but the gospel is known only by a revelation from heaven (Matt. 11:27). Man, though he is a fallen creature, has in some degree a natural knowledge of the law, . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: We Were Created Able To Obey
The law [as a covenant of works] regards us as creatures originally formed with sufficient ability to yield perfect obedience to it; and accordingly, it requires us to retain and exert that ability in performing perfectly all the duties that we owe . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: We Are Wired For Works
The children of fallen Adam are so bent on working for life that they will on no account cease from it till the Holy Spirit so convinces them of their sin and misery as to show them that Mount Sinai is wholly . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Republication Revealed Self-Righteousness
One reason, therefore, why the Lord displayed the law as a covenant of works* on Sinai was that self-righteous Israelites and all pharisaic professors to the end of time might see that as they have sinned and so have not performed perfect . . . Continue reading →
Re-Publication of the Covenant of Works (1)
As Michael Horton acknowledges in his work on covenant theology, one of the more difficult issues in covenant theology is how to relate the Mosaic Covenant to the earlier Abrahamic Covenant and the New Covenant. Complicating matters is the old Dispensational doctrine . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Buchanan Taught Republication In 1867
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun On The Twofold Nature Of The Mosaic Covenant
The violated covenant of works, as I observed above, was not, and could not be, made or renewed with the Israelites at Sinai: for it was a broken covenant, and besides, it was a covenant between God and man as friends, whereas . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Olevianus On Moses As A Legal Covenant
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →
With The Guilt, Grace, Gratitude Podcast On The Mosaic Covenant And The Republication Of The Covenant Of Works
It Is Not As Difficult As It Might Seem
It was good to talk with Nick, of the Guilt, Grace, Gratitude podcast about the Mosaic covenant generally and the question of the republication of the covenant of works specifically. This might seem like an impossible topic but it is not if . . . Continue reading →
Vos: God Allowed The Republication Of The Covenant Of Works
a) Everyone will have to agree that for Adam, perfect keeping of the law for a fixed period of time was the means to acquire eternal beatitude that cannot be lost. When the covenant of works was broken, God could have rescinded . . . Continue reading →
Sibbes: At Sinai God Renewed The Covenant Of Works
The communion and fellowship of man with God, was first founded on a covenant of works made with Adam in paradise. If he did obey, and did not eat of the forbidden fruit, he should have life both for himself and his . . . Continue reading →
Witsius: The Decalogue Reflects The Dual Character Of the Mosaic Covenant
XIV. The law, which God in this manner published, consists of ten words or commandments, Exod. 34:28, Deut. 4:13. Wherefore the Greeks also called it δεκάλογος, the decalogue. Moreover the contents of those ten words are various. 1st, There is the prescription . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Leviticus 18:5 Is Proof That God Promised Eternal Blessedness To Adam
III. However, the received opinion among the orthodox is that the promise given to Adam was not only of a happy life to be continued in paradise, but of a heavenly and eternal life (to which he was to be carried after . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: Leviticus 18:5 Is Clear Proof Of The Covenant Of Works
VII. Second, a law was imposed upon Adam, which necessarily implies a federal agreement and contract. For he who receives it, binds himself officially to obedience under the punishment denounced through the same; he who gives it (for the very reason that . . . Continue reading →
Owen: Leviticus 18:5 Is Nothing But A Revival Of The Covenant Of Works
1. This covenant, called “the old covenant,” was never intended to be of itself the absolute rule and law of life and salvation unto the church, but was made with a particular design, and with respect unto particular ends. This the apostle . . . Continue reading →