John Owen And The Organ (Among Other Things)

In worship, their paintings, crossings, crucifixes, bowings, cringings, altars, tapers, wafers, organs, anthems, litany, rails, images, copes, vestments,—what were they but Roman varnish, an Italian dress for our devotion, to draw on conformity with that enemy of the Lord Jesus? In doctrine, . . . Continue reading →

Fesko: Arminius Was A Synergist

The alpha point of Arminius’s synergistic conception of salvation is marked by his use of the facientibus—the sinner who is always ready to embrace the grace of God because of universal prevenient grace—and the omega point is marked by his understanding of . . . Continue reading →

Hodge On Two-Stage Justification

Hodge draws attention to the two-stage justification of the Roman Catholic Church and rejects it. The first justification, according to Roman Catholic theology, is gratuitous and is given for Christ’s sake and consists of the infusion of habitual grace. This divine process . . . Continue reading →

Wilhelmus à Brakel On Justification

He who errs in this doctrine errs to his eternal destruction. The devil is therefore continually engaged in denying, perverting, and obscuring the truth expressed in this chapter and, if he does not accomplish this, to prevent exercise concerning this truth. When . . . Continue reading →

Owen: Law and Gospel

The law is connatural to him; his domestic, his old acquaintance came into the world with him, and hath grown up with him from his infancy. It was implanted in his heart by nature, is his own reason; he can never shake . . . Continue reading →