The children of fallen Adam are so bent on working for life that they will on no account cease from it till the Holy Spirit so convinces them of their sin and misery as to show them that Mount Sinai is wholly on fire around them and that they cannot with safety remain a moment longer within the limits of it. Strange indeed it is that sinners, already condemned by the law of works, should, nevertheless, imagine a probability—yea, a certainty—of obtaining eternal life by their own works according to that very law. … And, oh, what addition to the anguish of damned souls will it be to reflect that they dreamed of attaining life by a law that, to a sinner, is and cannot but be a “ministration of death” (2 Cor. 3:7); and that, by supposing in themselves an ability still to answer the demands of the law, they have rendered it so much the more able to condemn them!
John Colquhoun | A Treatise on the Law and Gospel (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books), 68.
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