In An Uncertain Age People Look For Charismatic Leaders

We live in an age of much uncertainty. Confusion and division are the hallmarks of our time. What stands out among the masses is a figure who arises with any amount of charisma, who is given a platform, and is able, with great clarity and effectiveness, to speak to people in ways that run against conventional approaches and in whom people believe they are receiving absolute protection from all error. It’s a bold opportunity that few seem to recognize is before them, especially among the masses of pastoral panderers and compromisers in Christian ministry.

This approach will achieve its own kind of success. People want, more than any other period I’ve witnessed, to have someone speak with absolute authority and certainty to the issues of our day. The attempt to speak clearly to the spiritual and moral issues of our day is here not in question. But the danger that lurks in the effects surely is. I know for example of a local church who, for example, during Covid, aimed their entire ministry to attack the government. The church grew by leaps and bounds. And to question the effects of the approach will earn the strongest charges of compromise and weakness in our climate.

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Chris Gordon | “The Cult Following of the Omnicompetent Pastor” | May 7, 2024


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    Post authored by:

  • Chris Gordon
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    Chris Gordon was ordained to the Ministry of the Word in October 2004. He is a native of Central California, and prior to answering God’s call into the ministry, he was a high school Bible teacher in the central Californian valley. He earned his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Seminary California. He previously served the Lynden United Reformed Church from 2004 to July 2012, and is presently Preaching Pastor at the Escondido United Reformed Church and is the radio host and teacher on Abounding Grace Radio.

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One comment

  1. This is indeed a phenomenon that continues but seemed to reach a peak during Covid. Charismatic leaders in Canada took over the nations Capital in the cause of “freedom”, with many Refomed churches/members supporting them. They forgot about Romans 13.


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