Luther On Law And Grace

Therefore we are pronounced righteous, not on the basis of the Law or of works or of our own righteousness but on the basis of pure grace. Paul insisted on the promise so vigorously and stressed it so often because he saw . . . Continue reading →

Luther Contra Theonomy

A second kind of abrogation of the Law, an outward one, is that the political laws of Moses do not apply to us at all. Therefore we should not restore them to the courthouse or chain ourselves to them in some superstitious . . . Continue reading →

Luther On The First Use

Now if even the Moral Law of God, the Decalogue, gives birth only to slaves—that is, does not justify but only terrifies, accuses, condemns, and brings consciences to the point of despair—how, I ask you, could the laws of the pope or . . . Continue reading →

Luther On The Two Words

The second word of God is neither Law nor command and demands nothing of us. But when the first word of the Law has worked misery and poverty in the heart, then He comes and offers us His blessed and life-giving Word. . . . Continue reading →

Luther On Crying Abba

In form this crying and sighing is that amid your trial you do not call God a tyrant, an angry judge, or a tormentor, but a Father—even though the sighing may be so faint that it can hardly be felt. By contrast . . . Continue reading →