The word “Gospel” is Greek and signifies “joyous news,” because it proclaims the wholesome doctrine of life by divine promise and offers grace and forgiveness of sin. Therefore, works do not belong to the Gospel, for it is not Law; rather, only faith [belongs to the Gospel], for it is altogether a promise and an offer of divine grace. Whoever now believes the Gospel receives grace and the Holy Spirit. This causes the heart to rejoice and find delight in God, and [the heart] then keeps the Law voluntarily, gratuitously, without fear of punishment, without seeking reward, since the heart is perfectly satisfied with God’s grace, by which the Law has been fulfilled. But all these promises from the beginning of the world are founded on Christ; God promises no one this grace except in Christ and through Christ, who is the messenger of the divine promise to the whole world. For this reason He came and through the Gospel brought into all the world these promises, which before this had been proclaimed by the prophets. Therefore, there is nothing that anyone (like the Jews) should expect of the divine promises apart from Christ. Everything is drawn together and enclosed in Christ. Whoever does not hear Him hears no promises of God. For just as God acknowledges no law besides the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets, so He makes no promises except through Christ alone.
Martin Luther | A Year in the Gospels with Martin Luther (p. 64). Concordia Publishing. Kindle Edition.
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