Luther: We Pray For Trivial Things And Neglect God’s Majesty

We too are in the habit of praying for trivial and insignificant things. When we pray, we don’t take into account the great majesty of God. If God wanted to give us only petty and superficial things, he wouldn’t have given us such a magnificent model for prayer: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come . . .” God has plenty of resources, and he’s not a tightwad. He generously offers us the best gifts available in heaven and on earth. He expects that we will ask him for many things and that we will sincerely believe we will get what we request. When we receive what we ask for in the Lord’s Prayer, we are, in effect, receiving heaven and earth and everything they contain. For when we ask for God’s name to be kept holy, for his kingdom to come, and for his will to be done, we are overpowering countless devils and engulfing the whole world with one prayer.

Martin Luther | Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional (Kindle Edition), 27.


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