Faith Alone Is The Instrument Of Justification AND Salvation

Controversy can be ugly and painful and the recent controversy over sanctification has been both at times. It can also be helpful by bringing greater clarity and this controversy has been useful in that respect. Some orthodox Reformed pastors are being charged . . . Continue reading →

Justification By Faith Alone Is The Normative Reformed Doctrine

Way back in 2009, when the Federal Vision controversy was still going the claim was made by a proponent of the Federal Vision that there is not a single, agreed doctrine of justification by grace alone, through faith alone but rather there . . . Continue reading →

Free E-Book: Beza, Polanus, And Turretin On Justification

For the month of August, 2024, Reformation Heritage Books is giving away copies of the electronic (e-book) version of R. Scott Clark and Casey Carmichael ed.  Justification By Faith Alone: Selected Writings From Theodore Beza (1519–1605), Amandus Polanus (1561–1610), and Francis Turretin . . . Continue reading →