What is the Power of the Christian Life?

For Christians who believe God’s Word, the Holy Scriptures and who confess the Reformed faith there can be no question whether we ought to live the Christian life. The question is, however, how do we live the Christian life? From where do . . . Continue reading →

Getting the Gospel Right: It’s Harder Than It Looks And Simpler Than It Seems

Thanks to WSC student Brenden Link for the latest installment in the WSC video series. This episode features WSC MDiv student Jon Bushnell (class of 2011). Check out our Youtube channel.

Still A Stumbling Block

A Heidelblog Classic from January 9, 2007: —— A Jewish critic of Dr Laura Schlessinger (for her public abandonment of orthodox Judaism) writes: “The late Yeshayahu Leibovitz pointed out that the quintessential symbol of Christianity is Jesus dying on the cross for . . . Continue reading →

Are Conservatives Preparing the Next Generation of Liberals?

Listen to the latest episode of the White Horse Inn on the sufficiency of Scripture. About half-way through, before the break, Kim Riddlebarger makes a great point about the connection between legalistic, conservative evangelicals, and what I call the Quest for Illegitimate . . . Continue reading →

The Attraction Of Legal Preaching: The Interview

As a follow-up to the post on legal preaching Chris Gordon and I sat down in the Abounding Grace Radio studio to talk through the issue of the attraction of legal preaching. Once again, neither the post nor the episode is a . . . Continue reading →

Freedom of the Christian Man (2)

Part 1. Many of us have spent time in forms of Christianity that are very strong on rules and slavery and very weak on grace and freedom. By “rules and slavery” I refer to the imposition of man-made rules by which sanctity . . . Continue reading →

Faith Alone Is The Instrument Of Justification AND Salvation

Controversy can be ugly and painful and the recent controversy over sanctification has been both at times. It can also be helpful by bringing greater clarity and this controversy has been useful in that respect. Some orthodox Reformed pastors are being charged . . . Continue reading →

The Consensus Of The Divines, Legalism, And The Covenant Of Works

The charge of legalism against the covenant of works is one of those allegations that seems persuasive at first because we all know that legalism is bad and that grace is good. It is almost instinctive to react to the charge by asserting the graciousness of the covenant of works. That is a trap, however, into which we ought not step. Continue reading →

Richard Baxter On Initial And Final Justification Through Faith And Works

The magisterial Protestant churches (i.e., the Lutheran and Reformed) and their theologians did not speak of, teach, or confess a “two-stage” doctrine of justification or even a “two-stage” doctrine of salvation (justification, sanctification, and glorification). Yet, today, one sees leading evangelical and . . . Continue reading →