At C or C
active obedience
Why Must He Be a True and Righteous Man? (Heidelberg Catechism 16 pt 2)
Question 16 Part 2: Satisfaction for Sin Few things rankle the modern mind more than the idea that God’s justice must be “satisfied.” The old liberals (and some new feminists! See Lucy Reid, She Changes Everything, 16) derided this notion as “slaughterhouse . . . Continue reading →
Calvin on Christ’s Active Obedience
From Institutes 2.16.5 (Battles edn): Now someone asks, How has Christ abolished sin, banished the separation between us and God, and acquired righteousness to render God favorable and kindly toward us? To this we can in general reply that he has achieved . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 27: With Lane Keister on the Imputation of Christ’s Active Obedience
HB reader Nick writes to ask about the imputation of Christ’s active obedience. Is it true that the Westminster divines, Twisse, Vines, and Gataker opposed the imputation of the active obedience of Christ and that the phrase, “the whole obedience of Christ” . . . Continue reading →
Good News! He Lived For Us
This is the glory of the Protestant doctrine of justification. The person who is in Christ is at the very same instant a sinner and just. If I could be justified only by actually becoming just and having no sin in me, . . . Continue reading →
Wollebius: Christ Merited Our Salvation By His Active Obedience As The Second Adam
I. Just as the passion of Christ it Is necessary for the expiation of sin, so his active obedience and righteousness are necessary for the gaining of eternal life. The reasons are: (1) The law binds us both to punishment and to . . . Continue reading →
The Consensus Of The Divines, Legalism, And The Covenant Of Works
The charge of legalism against the covenant of works is one of those allegations that seems persuasive at first because we all know that legalism is bad and that grace is good. It is almost instinctive to react to the charge by asserting the graciousness of the covenant of works. That is a trap, however, into which we ought not step. Continue reading →
Resources On the Imputation Of The Active Obedience Of Christ
NO HOPE WITHOUT IT. Continue reading →
Owen On The Covenant Of Works And The Imputation Of Christ’s Active Obedience
There is yet something more required; it is not enough that we are not guilty, we must also be actually righteous,—not only all sin is to be answered for, but all righteousness is to be fulfilled. By taking away the guilt of . . . Continue reading →
In The Law-Court Of God The Christian Is Accounted Righteous Only On The Ground Of Christ’s Righteousness Imputed
In the law-court of God, then, the justification of man as sinner is the judgment of God whereby He pronounces righteous the person who is unholy and of himself a sinner subject to God’s wrath. He does so out of his own . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 194: What Must A Christian Believe? (11) On Christ’s Obedience And Atoning Death
In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the fourth article: “suffered under Pontius, Pilate, crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell.” In this episode we consider Christ’s suffering and death and in the . . . Continue reading →