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Is There a Sect/Cult Out There That Teaches That
of the 613 mitzvoth, the temple laws were fulfilled in Christ but the dietary laws are still in force for Christians?
Freemasons a Cult?
The late Walter Martin used to argue that they are. Now you can see the video. In the limited reading I did back in the late 80s I came to the same conclusion. Back then the lodges were on the decline and . . . Continue reading →
Jonestown and the Reformed Movement
On 18 November 1978, more than 900 people died in “Jonestown,” Guyana in one of the most spectacular examples in modern times of the danger of cults and sects. Jonestown was a settlement on the northeast coast of an ignored South American . . . Continue reading →
Christian Doctrinal Interpretations Vs. Joseph Smith’s Revelations
These passages can be interpreted in different ways. Yet by viewing them through the clarifying lens of revelations received by Joseph Smith, Latter-day Saints see these scriptures as straightforward expressions of humanity’s divine nature and potential. Many other Christians read the same . . . Continue reading →
Of Creeds, Cults, And Google
The culture of intolerance at Google is hardly unique. It exists at most large companies and other elite institutions. Folks are sick of it. — Robert P. George (@McCormickProf) August 8, 2017 This is unquestionably true. And it’s not just a coastal . . . Continue reading →
Stella Morabito: Emotional Manipulation Is Baked Into The Revolution
So, what’s the secret of creating enough woke conformity to get to such an anti-thought point? How does a well-organized band of power-craving elitists get people to surrender the right to speak their own minds? To open the door to giving collectivist . . . Continue reading →
QAnon, Evangelical Gnosticsm, Manichaeism, And The Kingdom Of The Cults
In the early 2nd century one of the gravest threats faced by the early Christians was a movement that we know as Gnosticism. It thrived by radically revising Christianity. According to the Gnostics, the material world is evil, the Creator God of the . . . Continue reading →
Stella Morabito: The Significance Of Mobs
What’s the real purpose of the BLM harassment of people dining outdoors in Washington, DC, trying to force them to raise their fist in “solidarity” with the Marxist BLM trope? They do it in the same manner of the old childhood bully . . . Continue reading →
Some Greeks Return To Ancient Ritual Practices
Some Greeks have returned to worshipping the ancient gods, as groups dedicated to the adoration of the Greek Pantheon spring up across modern-day Greece. Several different organizations and events exist that are working to create modern forms of celebration and ritual around . . . Continue reading →