Some Greeks have returned to worshipping the ancient gods, as groups dedicated to the adoration of the Greek Pantheon spring up across modern-day Greece. Several different organizations and events exist that are working to create modern forms of celebration and ritual around . . . Continue reading →
Your Tax Dollars At Work: Recruiting Kids To The LGBTQ Movement?
Did you know that the tax-funded CDC maintains a web page devoted to LGBTQ “health”? Do LGBTQ youth get different kinds of acne than straight teens? Continue reading
It Is Not Edgy, Interesting, Or Lasting
There are socially conservative evangelicals who want to “take back America.” They are looking for a Christian version of the “Bad Orange Man” to critique the culture and to defend them from unbelief, feminism, and the social revolution. Like the social radicals, who are burning down businesses in pursuit of their eschatology, this evangelical apologist burns fields and pickup trucks.
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Charges Possible After Saturday Fracas In Moscow, ID; Charges Against Kirkers Remain
A 59-year-old man punched a 55-year-old man multiple times in the face after the younger man threw coffee at the older man Saturday afternoon during a protest across the street from the Moscow Police Department, according to Moscow police Capt. Will Krasselt . . . Continue reading →
An Avoidable Stunt (Updated)
The City of Moscow, Idaho, which Christ Church (Moscow, ID) expects one day to transform into a bastion of adherence to the Mosaic judicial laws, reports (HT: Alexis Van Horn) about the recent publicity stunt and protests disguised as “Psalm sings:” From . . . Continue reading →
Kirk Pulls Publicity Stunt. Social Media Falls For It: No Religious Liberties Were Harmed During The Filming Of This Commercial
There are places where religious liberties are being trampled, where Christians (and members of other religions) are not free to gather and to worship God according to Scripture or conscience. In such places people face arrest or worse simply for gathering to . . . Continue reading →
Wokeness Is A New Religion (In A World That Is Already Quite Religious)
The Emperor Constantine is said to have embraced Christianity after a dream told him to adopt the chi-rho symbol as part of Roman military insignia. Constantine ordered this Christian symbol to be painted on his armies’ shields, and won the Battle of . . . Continue reading →
Of Creeds, Cults, And Google
The culture of intolerance at Google is hardly unique. It exists at most large companies and other elite institutions. Folks are sick of it. — Robert P. George (@McCormickProf) August 8, 2017 This is unquestionably true. And it’s not just a coastal . . . Continue reading →
Sneaky Squids And Sola Scriptura
When I saw Chris Rosebrough tweet something about a “sneaky squid spirit doctrine” I thought it must be something from The Onion or the Babylon Bee. It is not. It is the latest thing from the world of charismatic continuing prophecy. The . . . Continue reading →
The Mormon Denial Of The Christian Doctrine Of The Trinity
Latter-day Saints also believe strongly in the fundamental unity of the divine. They believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost, though distinct beings, are unified in purpose and doctrine. It is in this light that Latter-day . . . Continue reading →
Christian Doctrinal Interpretations Vs. Joseph Smith’s Revelations
These passages can be interpreted in different ways. Yet by viewing them through the clarifying lens of revelations received by Joseph Smith, Latter-day Saints see these scriptures as straightforward expressions of humanity’s divine nature and potential. Many other Christians read the same . . . Continue reading →
The Power Of The Fear Of Social Isolation
The elites who wield politically correct agendas – whether in academia, in the media, or in Hollywood — know these social dynamics very well. They understand your fear of social isolation perhaps better than you do yourself. How else could they manipulate . . . Continue reading →
Beyond Plagiarism: The Politics Of A Cult
Wilson was gracious to me in all of these private interactions, but he made it clear that if I disagreed with him publicly I would be undermining his work for God’s kingdom. As he wrote in one e-mail, “either you remain out . . . Continue reading →
Of Sacred Cows and Secret Societies
At the beginning of the Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA), in 1857, there were three great reasons given for separating from the Reformed Church in America (RCA): the RCA sang hymns instead psalms, the RCA did not send children to Christian schools, and . . . Continue reading →
Of Sacred Cows and Secret Societies
At the beginning of the Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA), in 1857, there were three great reasons given for separating from the Reformed Church in America (RCA): the RCA sang hymns instead psalms, the RCA did not send children to Christian schools, and . . . Continue reading →
Freemasons a Cult?
The late Walter Martin used to argue that they are. Now you can see the video. In the limited reading I did back in the late 80s I came to the same conclusion. Back then the lodges were on the decline and . . . Continue reading →
What Do Your Mormon Neighbors Believe?
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