I am, of course, well aware that this doctrine of redemption, and as well the doctrine of sin which underlies it, is nowadays scouted in wide circles. With that, however, I have no present concern. I cheerfully admit that to a “Christianity” . . . Continue reading →
Christless Christianity
Gothard Replaced The Covenant Of Grace With A Covenant Of Works
One of the formative experiences of the earliest part of my Christian life was my exposure to Bill Gothard and the Institute of Basic Youth Conflicts. Each night for several nights we piled into the church bus (it was a Southern Baptist . . . Continue reading →
QAnon, Evangelical Gnosticsm, Manichaeism, And The Kingdom Of The Cults
In the early 2nd century one of the gravest threats faced by the early Christians was a movement that we know as Gnosticism. It thrived by radically revising Christianity. According to the Gnostics, the material world is evil, the Creator God of the . . . Continue reading →
Trueman: The UMC Split Is Only A Symptom Of A Much Deeper Problem
It is odd, however, that this is the issue that has produced the division. Same-sex marriage has not become plausible or imperative by virtue of its own merits. It has only become plausible as a function of much wider and deeper shifts . . . Continue reading →
Niebuhr On The Marcionite Character Of Theological Modernism
A God without wrath bought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross. H. Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America (New York: Harper, 1937), 193. (HT: David Chin)
1930 Or 2017?
The enemy is made the more dangerous because it is found within, rather than without, the Church. Definite opponents of the Christian religion could have been more easily met; but now as in ancient times Satan has preferred to labor for the . . . Continue reading →
In John’s Latitudinarian Garage
I don’t know what’s in your garage, but from time to time mine has become pretty cluttered and stuff has to be pitched. What we keep and what we pitch says something about us. People have theological garages too, in which they . . . Continue reading →
Christless Christianity: The CBN Interview
CTC Interviews Horton on Christless Christianity
Online here.
Machen: The Gospel As History
Dan has your weekly Machen fix.
The Purpose-Driven Christmas?
or whose fault is a Christless Christianity anyway? (HT: Kim Riddlebarger)
Martin Reviews "Christless Christianity"
At Ref21
Audio: Larry Rast on Contemporary "Evangelicalism"
Todd interviews LCMS historian Larry Rast on “Christless Christianity.” I always learn from Larry and this episode of Issues Etc is no exception. Good stuff.
Betsy Hart Gets "Christless"
Manata Reviews "Christless"
Creed or Christless Christianity
The WHI boys hit the ball very solidly in this show. Listen to the audio clips from Doug Pagitt. Who is putting “God in a box?” Sayers was right. Either one has a creed or one has chaos.
"Christless Christianity" Special Offer
The Bookstore at WSC is offering the book and a DVD at a discount of $21.11. You can pre-order the book for $5.00!
Consumerism Versus Christ
Martin on the spiritual danger of consumerism.
Is Willow Creek Really Changing?
Matt Branagh at CT quotes some folks who say WC is making a fundamental shift, but the evidence from the “Reveal” study isn’t so clear cut.
Christless Christianity
In their current series, the WHI guys (Mike, Rod, Kim, and Ken) are doing a brilliant job dissecting the various pseudo-Christianities. The last two programs have been on “The Gospel According to Barnes and Noble.” At root what’s being marketed whether via . . . Continue reading →