The Differences Between Canonical and Non-Canonical Writings

The way some write about some of the extra-canonical or post-canonical or deutero-canonical writings one would expect the differences between the canonical and non-canonical texts to be negligible. That’s not what I find.

Back on the Table Again

Martin Downes has been blogging the renewed controversy over the inerrancy of God’s Word. This is a discussion that many have not wanted to have for a long time. When I started seminary in 1984 the sounds of the last “Battle for the Bible” . . . Continue reading →

More From Hart on the Enns Controversy and the Auburn Affirmation

From a comment at the GB discussion: …The trouble is whether people will read, let alone try to understand, their answers. Believe it or not, Calvin and Old Princeton were pretty careful not to equate inerrancy with a scientific understanding of the . . . Continue reading →

In Case You're Worried About Purgatory

Good news for those evangelicals and nominally Reformed folk who are thinking of going to “Rome Sweet Home:” Yesterday, the Holy Father himself promulgated a new plenary indulgence (HT: διαθηκη). “What?” you say, “I thought Rome was shamed into giving up plenary . . . Continue reading →