The way some write about some of the extra-canonical or post-canonical or deutero-canonical writings one would expect the differences between the canonical and non-canonical texts to be negligible. That’s not what I find.
apostolic fathers
If You're Reading the Fathers…
As I am (for CH601 Ancient Church, this fall) then I heartily recommend Michael Holmes’ (third) edition of The Apostolic Fathers. We don’t have it in the bookstore yet (it only occurred to me today to ask them—I’ll let you know when . . . Continue reading →
A Cure for Romanticism About the 2nd Century
Each fall I teach a lecture course on the Ancient Church and a seminar on Patristics. For the first half of the seminar we use Michael Holmes (3rd edition) of the Apostolic Fathers. The Apostolic Fathers is a collection of texts mainly . . . Continue reading →
How Christians Are And Aren’t Distinguished From The Rest Of Humanity
For Christians are not distinguished from the rest of humanity by country, language, or custom. 2 For nowhere do they live in cities of their own, nor do they speak some unusual dialect, nor do they practice an eccentric way of life…4For . . . Continue reading →
Subjectivism As Scholarship
The epistle to Diognetus is an anonymous writing of an uncertain date. …Its claim to be include among the apostolic fathers rests on custom rather than right, for it is probably later than any of the other writings in this group, and . . . Continue reading →
HT602 Patristics Seminar
Course Description Readings in and discussion of primary sources in the development of Patristic theology. Fall semester. 2 credits. —Academic Goals: To enable the student to read well, i.e., thoughtfully, carefully, and accurately primary texts in patristic theology and to intereact intelligently with . . . Continue reading →
Justification In The Earliest Christian Fathers: 1 Clement
Perhaps the first post-Apostolic use of the New Testament verb “to justify” (δικαιόω) occurs in 1 Clement, written just after 100 AD to the same Corinthian congregation to whom Paul had written half a century earlier. There is no claim of authorship . . . Continue reading →