The epistle to Diognetus is an anonymous writing of an uncertain date. …Its claim to be include among the apostolic fathers rests on custom rather than right, for it is probably later than any of the other writings in this group, and if it were judged by the character of its contents would more probably be placed among the works of the Apologists.
…Its style is, however, rhetorical in the extreme and it may be doubted whether it was not an academic treatise or perhaps the exercise of some young theologian rather than an actual apology sent to a living person. The general impression made by the document is unfavorable to any theory of an early date….
Kirsopp Lake (Loeb Classical Library, 1948) on Ad Diognetum.
The Epistle to Diognetus is widely recognized as one of the true literary gems of early Christianity.
Bart D. Ehrman | (Loeb Classical Library, 2003), on Ad Diognetum.
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