I’m not a big fan of 1 Clement (I prefer the Ep to Diognetus) but Shane is right, this is an excellent passage.
1 Clement
1 Clement On Justification
CHAPTER 31: THE MEANS BY WHICH OBTAIN DIVINE BLESSING Let us cleave then to His blessing, and consider what are the means of possessing it. Let us think over the things which have taken place from the beginning. For what reason was . . . Continue reading →
Grace And Election In The Late 90s AD
Let us then draw near to Him with holiness of spirit, lifting up pure and undefiled hands unto Him, loving our gracious and merciful Father, who has made us partakers in the blessings of His elect. For thus it is written, “When . . . Continue reading →
Justification In The Earliest Christian Fathers: 1 Clement
Perhaps the first post-Apostolic use of the New Testament verb “to justify” (δικαιόω) occurs in 1 Clement, written just after 100 AD to the same Corinthian congregation to whom Paul had written half a century earlier. There is no claim of authorship . . . Continue reading →