In their current series, the WHI guys (Mike, Rod, Kim, and Ken) are doing a brilliant job dissecting the various pseudo-Christianities. The last two programs have been on “The Gospel According to Barnes and Noble.” At root what’s being marketed whether via . . . Continue reading →
Christless Christianity
The "Gospel" of Personal Relationship with Jesus
The pietists meant well but they turned “having a relationship with Jesus” into a law. If you’re afraid that you’re relationship with Jesus isn’t good enough, you’re right and you need to hear this program.
Is Willow Creek Really Changing?
Matt Branagh at CT quotes some folks who say WC is making a fundamental shift, but the evidence from the “Reveal” study isn’t so clear cut.
Consumerism Versus Christ
Martin on the spiritual danger of consumerism.
Christless Christianity is Here
Well, it never really went away but now it has a website and a prominent Reformed author behind it…sort of.
"Christless Christianity" Special Offer
The Bookstore at WSC is offering the book and a DVD at a discount of $21.11. You can pre-order the book for $5.00!
Special Offer on "Christless Christianity"
Get the Book and DVD and save $21.11. If you’ve liked the series this year on the WHI you will love the book and vid.
Creed or Christless Christianity
The WHI boys hit the ball very solidly in this show. Listen to the audio clips from Doug Pagitt. Who is putting “God in a box?” Sayers was right. Either one has a creed or one has chaos.
Manata Reviews "Christless"
Sure Things are Fine in "Evangelicalism"
This is a diverse group of commentators. No one can accuse Shane and the White Horse crew of not being inclusive. Be sure to stay tuned to the end for a bang-up conclusion. (HT: Wes Bredenhof)
Betsy Hart Gets "Christless"
Audio: Larry Rast on Contemporary "Evangelicalism"
Todd interviews LCMS historian Larry Rast on “Christless Christianity.” I always learn from Larry and this episode of Issues Etc is no exception. Good stuff.
Martin Reviews "Christless Christianity"
At Ref21
The Purpose-Driven Christmas?
or whose fault is a Christless Christianity anyway? (HT: Kim Riddlebarger)
CTC Interviews Horton on Christless Christianity
Online here.
Christless Christianity: The CBN Interview
In John’s Latitudinarian Garage
I don’t know what’s in your garage, but from time to time mine has become pretty cluttered and stuff has to be pitched. What we keep and what we pitch says something about us. People have theological garages too, in which they . . . Continue reading →
To Reform or Leave?
At the Puritanboard Mike asks About six months ago I started listening to the Whitehorse Inn (and about 1 month ago Office Hours and reading this board). What I heard on Whitehorse made much more sense to me than what I heard . . . Continue reading →
What Christians Can Learn From The Decline Of Judaism In American
And think about this whenever progressives — such as we are dealing with in US Orthodox Christianity — say that we have to get with the times, and change our faith and practice to make it more suitable for contemporary America. But . . . Continue reading →
Keith Getty’s Critique Of Contemporary Worship Music Is A Step In The Right Direction
In 2008, Mike Horton called attention to the phenomenon of a radically subjective turn in American evangelicalism, in Christless Christianity. Unfortunately, a single book diagnosing the deep sickness of American evangelical Christianity was not enough to turn the tide. In that volume . . . Continue reading →