At Saddleback. WSC student Brandon has it right. Here’s an alternative to the Purpose-Driven Life. If you’re in the Jacksonville, FL/Ponte Vedra area (or anywhere in N. or Central FL or So. Georgia) we would love to see you at the conference. . . . Continue reading →
Gospel-driven life
New Audio: Recovering the Reformed Confession
From the Gospel-Driven Life Conference. This was the adult Sunday School course in the AM.
New in the Bookstore: The Gospel-Driven Life
In Christless Christianity Mike prosecuted the case against many forms of contemporary Christianity. That critique has found a hearing not only in North America but across the globe. It is finding a readership in Korea and elsewhere as they too find that . . . Continue reading →
Read an Excerpt from Gospel-Driven Life
Online for free via the White Horse Inn folks.
Audio: Horton on the Gospel-Driven Life
Justin Taylor has the links.
An Interview with Mike Horton
At the Ligonier Blog. The HB gets a little love.
Christ Our Crutch? Yes and No
Mike Horton says it depends on what one means by “crutch.” It if means “so I can be a better me” then no, he’s no crutch. If it means something else, however, then yes! Reuben has the quotation from a recent interview.
To Reform or Leave?
At the Puritanboard Mike asks About six months ago I started listening to the Whitehorse Inn (and about 1 month ago Office Hours and reading this board). What I heard on Whitehorse made much more sense to me than what I heard . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Gospel-Driven Life
Office Hours talks with Mike Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California about his latest book, The Gospel Driven Life: Being Good-News People in a Bad-News World. This book is available through The Bookstore at . . . Continue reading →
Audio: The Gospel And Union With Christ
In 2007 several of us spoke at a conference in Ponte Vedra, FL organized around the theme of the Gospel-Driven Life. This is the first of two talks I gave. I’ll post the other later. This talk was on the gospel and . . . Continue reading →