Martin on the spiritual danger of consumerism.
True Religion At The Mall
During a recent trip to the mall I looked up to see a large sign over a store declaring, “True Religion.” Yikes! Of course it got my attention and, I admit, it made my dead orthodox pulse race just a little. These . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Guy Waters on Church Membership
One aspect of Reformed theology, piety, and practice that distnguishes confessional Protestantism from broad evangelicalism is a high view of the visible, institutional church. Calvin spent most of book 4 of the Institutes on the visible church. The Belgic Confession spends two . . . Continue reading →
True Religion At The Mall
During a recent trip to the mall I looked up to see a large sign over a store declaring, “True Religion.” Yikes! Of course it got my attention and, I admit, it made my dead orthodox pulse race just a little. These . . . Continue reading →
The Myth Of Secularism

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We’re awash in ersatz, ad hoc, consumerist, Narcissistic spirituality Continue reading →