Getting The Gospel Right: The Heidelcast, The Pactum Podcast, NoCo Radio, And Theocast

This is a special episode of the Heidelcast recorded together with my friends Mike Abendroth, from No Compromise Radio, Pat Abendroth and Mike Grimes from the Pactum Podcast, and Jon Moffit and Justin Perdue of Theocast podcast. We gathered last Friday evening with a roomful of people on the campus at Westminster Seminary California just before the annual faculty conference. We discussed sola fide, assurance, the law/gospel distinction, and covenant theology. We hope you enjoy it. For more on the topics discussed see the show notes below.

This episode of the Heidelcast is sponsored by Westminster Seminary California. Thinking about attending seminary? Have we got a school for you! Learn the biblical languages and learn how to keep growing in your knowledge and appreciation of the biblical languages for a lifetime of ministry. Study in person with a residential faculty of pastor-scholars. Enjoy an outstanding student:teacher ratio (have lunch with your profs!) and begin a lifetime of service to Christ, his gospel, and his church at Westminster Seminary California. Call the seminary at (888) 480-8474. Ask our admissions team about the upcoming Seminary For a Day program on March 10, 2023. Attend classes, get your questions answered, tour the campus, tour Westminster Village (on-campus housing), and visit beautiful San Diego County.

Call the Heidelphone anytime at (760) 618–1563. Leave a message or email us us a voice memo from your phone and we may use it in a future podcast. Record it and email it to Heidelcast at heidelcast dot net.

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Show Notes

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  1. About 57ish mins I believe its Pat discussing the covenant of works and he lists Luke Chapter 10 and Leviticus 18. I get Luke’s chapter but Lev 18, was he talking about verses 1-5?

  2. Man I was really hoping that last baptist was going to tell us about the continuity of the covenant of grace.

    Definitely an enjoyable conversation. Would love to see more episodes like this. Great example by Dr. Clark demonstrating unity in the Gospel with our baptist brothers.

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