Fascinating autobiography from J. Budziszewski (HT: Justin Ryals).
How to React to Homosexuals in the Congregation?
The question was raised on the PB how a congregation ought to respond to practicing homosexuals who are visiting a congregation regularly. Here’s a slightly revised version of my initial answer. First, praise God that they are in the congregation where, one trusts, . . . Continue reading →
The Problem with "Just as I Am"
Zrim explains.
Crouching Tiger, True Repentance
There is an argument that Tiger’s sexual immorality is private and none of our business. Fine. His very public apology, however, gives us an opportunity to think about the nature of repentance and faith. During his apology Tiger made reference to his . . . Continue reading →
A Form For Penitent Ex-Federal Visionaries
To all whom this these presents do come, I hereby declare that I really and heartily believe in form and substance what the Reformed churches confess, that God declares sinners righteous sola gratia, sola fide, only on the ground of the imputation . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Repentance Does Not Give Us Title To Eternal Life
How then can his repentance atone for his iniquities, or entitle him to the favour of God and to the happiness of heaven? How can that evangelical repentance, which he is incapable of exercising till after his sins be all forgiven on . . . Continue reading →
Grace And Consequences
I consider myself a “grace boy.” That is, all the debates that have been on-going in Presbyterian and Reformed circles over sanctification over the past few years, I side with those who emphasize the indicative (who we are by virtue of our . . . Continue reading →
What Is Repentance? Hint: It Is Not “I’m Sorry If Anyone Was Offended”
Q. 76. What is repentance unto life? A. Repentance unto life is a saving grace, wrought in the heart of a sinner by the Spirit and Word of God, whereby, out of the sight and sense, not only of the danger, but . . . Continue reading →
John The Baptizer: “Produce Fruit Worthy Of Repentance”
“Produce fruit worthy of repentance” ( “ποιήσατε οὖν καρπὸν ἄξιον τῆς μετανοίας”) these were the words of John the Baptizer to the many Pharisees and Sadducees “coming unto (the) baptism” (Matt 3:7). John was the last of the Old Testament prophets. He . . . Continue reading →
What Is Conviction?
The use of conviction is not to punish a man for his sins; nor is it to make him any better. The devils in hell have been under awful conviction for a long time, and not one of them is any better. . . . Continue reading →
Trueman: Do We Need Another Mark Of The True Church?
The Reformers outlined several marks of the church: the preaching of the Word, the administration of the sacraments, and, at times, godly discipline or biblical worship. Today, they would need to add another: constant apologizing to the world. Whether it is saying . . . Continue reading →
Dear Wandering Sheep
Dear Wandering Sheep, You were baptized into the visible church. You were catechized. You made a profession of faith but, for one reason or another, you wandered away from the church. This letter is addressed to you. Why People Wander: The Visible . . . Continue reading →
We Are Like Nube
Someone from my part of town just reported that her gray cockatiel, “Nube,” just out the door toward the local high school. Continue reading
The Need Of The Hour: Repentance
Dear Christians, the great need of the hour is collective humility and repentance for our sins, for our selfishness, for our idolatries, and our attempts to make our home in this world in denial of our heavenly citizenship. And we shouldn’t miss the silver lining in all of this. We are still able to publish the best news ever, a lamp is still shining in Babylon, and a voice is still sounding out, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Continue reading →
Repentance Comes From Faith
Believers Repent, Unbelievers Do Not
The Westminster Shorter Catechism has a helpful, biblically-based definition of repentance: Q. 87. What is repentance unto life? A. Repentance unto life is a saving grace, whereby a sinner, out of a true sense of his sin, and apprehension of the mercy . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: Repentance Is A Fruit Of Faith
Even though we have taught in part how faith possesses Christ, and how through it we enjoy his benefits, this would still remain obscure if we did not add an explanation of the effects we feel. With good reason, the sum of . . . Continue reading →