Fascinating autobiography from J. Budziszewski (HT: Justin Ryals).
The Illusion Of Self Authority
I would say the source of morality is not me. I’m merely informing you of another authority that seems to have a good deal more force than I could ever command. But in the end, of course, the illusion of self-authority—which has . . . Continue reading →
Providence: God’s Active, Almighty, Present Power (2)
In the previous post we considered what it means to say “I believe in God the Father almighty. One of the most scurrilous things that some neo-Pentecostalists have alleged against the historic Christian view of God is that we are Deists. Quite . . . Continue reading →
Riddlebarger: It Is Not A Sin Not To Have All The Answers
It is not a sin, after all, not to have all the answers. Continue reading →
Trueman: Nietzsche Was Prescient
While many on the right default to accusations of cultural Marxism when confronted with such iconoclasm, I would argue that this latest trend is reminiscent of nothing so much as Friedrich Nietzsche’s haunting statement in Twilight of the Idols: “I fear we . . . Continue reading →