If you’re asking these questions then you need to hear the latest White Horse Inn program. It’s available online (free) or on CD (extended version) and, of course, on the radio. This is a balanced, intelligent, and critical survey of the range . . . Continue reading →
n. t. wright
On Replying to Moralists (Like Tom Wright)
Tom Wright is just making up stuff about the history of Reformed theology. He’s admitted that he doesn’t know much about the history of biblical exegesis beyond Calvin and one or two others. It’s pretty clear that he doesn’t know much about . . . Continue reading →
On Replying to Moralists (2)
Part 1 When I say “moralists” I mean primarily the doctrine that God justifies the sanctified because they are sanctified or that we are justified by grace and cooperation with grace. This is the bottom line of the NPP. Justification is re-defined . . . Continue reading →
Guy Waters Analyzes NTW's Reply to Piper
The American edition of the book is not out yet, but Guy Waters (and the fellows at Christ the Center) have the British edition and they have analyzed it carefully. As always Guy does an admirable job of stating the question, of . . . Continue reading →
C. E. Hill on N. T. Wright
This review of What Saint Paul Really Said. Was Paul of Tarsus the Real founder of Christianity? (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997) first appeared online in 2001 back on the Third Millennium site. In view of the recent interviews with Guy Waters on . . . Continue reading →
Calvin in the Hands of Anglican Revisers (1)
N. T. (Tom) Wright has published a new volume articulating again his proposed revision of the way Paul’s doctrine of justification should be understood. The volume is Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision (IVP Academic, 2009). In the preface he indicates that . . . Continue reading →
Five Arguments Against Future Justification Based on Works
By Rick Philips at Ref21. UPDATE 1 June 2009: Mark Jones responded to Phililips and Nick Batzig responded to Jones on this topic.
Waters Reviews Wright’s Latest
At Ref21.
Helm Reviews Wright
At Helm’s Deep
Helm Critiques Wright's Definition of Righteousness as Covenant Faithfulness
At Helm’s Deep.
Gerald Bray Critiques N. T. Wright
In a strongly-worded editorial in The Churchman. (HT: Marty Foord).
Horton Reviews Wright
This hitherto unpublished review is appearing on the new WHI blog.
Horton Reviews Wright (pt 2)
At the WHI blog.
Helm Continues His Critique of Wright
At Helm’s Deep.
Wright Misses the Trees for the Forrest
So says Kevin DeYoung. When one knows a priori what a passage has to mean, in light of a grand theme that one has discovered in Scripture, before one ever gets to a given passage actual biblical exegesis is imperiled.
Wright Caricatures Opposing Views
So says Mike Horton as he continues he review of Wright’s latest: “As typical throughout this volume, Wright both caricatures the opposing view and transforms an important insight into the main point. It is in the Gospels that we first encounter questions . . . Continue reading →
Tom Wright's Shadow Boxing
With the Reformation. Mike’s review continues.
Horton Contra Wright
N. T. Wright wants us to think that his approach to Paul is more faithful to Paul, but is it? ps. Here’s audio from Gerald Bray on the argument between Piper and Wright (HT: Justin Taylor).
Helm on Wright and the Reformation
Here is the fourth part of Helm’s review of Wright’s latest.
Dan Wallace Critiques Wright's Exegesis, Rhetoric, and Scholarship