At Helm’s Deep
Tabletalk Takes on the New Perspective(s)
The latest issue of Tabletalk (Feb, 2010) devoted to answering the question: “What N.T. Wright Really Said” as it looks at the controversy surrounding N.T. Wright and the doctrine of justification. Tabletalk is a devotional magazine of substance featuring a remarkable array . . . Continue reading →
Works And Grace In The Judgment
What this all means is that justification is God’s final judgment. As Wilfried Joest writes, “there is no second decision after justification.” In the language of the Reformation, the “sole and sufficient basis” for our justification before God’s eschatological tribunal is Jesus . . . Continue reading →
N. T. Wright Is Still Wrong
I merely want to focus our attention on what I think is the most detrimental theological claim advanced in this book. Wright polemicizes by arguing that we should change the famous line “justification by faith” to “justification by loyalty.” He reasons, “If . . . Continue reading →
Incorrect Item Delivered: A Review of Paul’s “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second-Century Reception by Matthew J. Thomas
When I was a student at Westminster Seminary California, I once ordered a used volume of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers series online. When the package arrived, I was surprised to discover that in its place I had been shipped a commentary . . . Continue reading →