Martin found a nice, brief definition in a musty, old book.
Post authored by:
R. Scott Clark

R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.
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I’m just wondering if the concept of pactum salutis is in the WCF. Dr. Clark, would you be able to indicate some phrases in the WCF if you think there are some? Some say that it is in WCF (especially ch. 8); Others say that such a concept is not in the WCF. What do you think?
There is also J. Van Genderen’s “Covenant and Election”. Agree or disagree, but it brings out some pastoral implications (even to the point or interpreting some Dutch denominational differences on he basis of the PS) very nicely.
Yes I have (and have read) that book. I do now recall that there is a chapter on this very subject.
Thank you for all you do for our churches (even the Baptist ones!)
Mr. Clark,
Hey I love your latest book! Thank you (and I am Baptist 🙂 ). Can you point me to something that will opens up the pastoral implications of the pactum salutis?
Thanks David.
Have you looked at Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry? There’s a chapter on the PS and the last section of the book
covers the pastoral implications of good covenant theology.
There’s very little work on the Pactum Salutis in print
beside CJPM. I reflect on it in my preaching regularly. God the Son
willed from all eternity to obey in place of his people, to lay down
his life for his sheep, and to endow them with the Holy Spirit. Those
truths arise and are relevant to a lot of texts. One of the most
important thing I think we can say to believers is that Christ come
“for you,” We can also focus on the divine intention. Jesus did not
come to make salvation available but to accomplish it for his people
and he did so. Our salvation is not in doubt. In other words, the main
pastoral message is one of assurance and comfort.
In Titus 1:2 Lewis Sperry Chafer refers
to this as The Covenant of Redemption.
Page 42 Vol 1 Chafer’s Sysemtic Theology
(8) Volume set.
Any thoughts?
Hi Dick,
This is interesting. What do you make of it? By this expression, did
he mean to affirm what the Reformed meant by it, i.e. a pre-temporal
covenant between the trinitarian persons?