Martin found a nice, brief definition in a musty, old book.
pactum salutis
Classical Covenant Theology
Edited by and some translations by R. Scott Clark On Law and Gospel On the Covenant of Redemption (pactum salutis) On the Covenant of Works (foedus operum) On the Covenant of Grace (foedus gratiae) On Justification On Union with Christ On the . . . Continue reading →
The Son Of God Appointed A Guarantor
The Son of God, having been appointed by God as Mediator of the covenant, becomes the guarantor on two counts: 1) He shall satisfy for the sins of all those whom the Father has given him; 2) He shall also bring it to pass that . . . Continue reading →
CJPM Now Available as an E-Book
Christ’s Intercession As Our Surety
This intercession consists of various acts. (1) The appearing of Christ for us by which he places himself before God the father as the only satisfier for our sins, representing the blood once shall (i.e., The merit of his death) and asking . . . Continue reading →
Christ Is Both The Foundation And Fulfillment
As far as I can tell, this perspective has been all but lost in modern biblical studies. But a text like Gal 3:16 was fertile ground for the development in classical Reformed theology for the belief that the covenant of grace was . . . Continue reading →
Witsius: Christ Condignly Merited A Reward By Fulfilling The Covenant Of Works
XXXIII. And the thing speaks for itself, For, as there is a covenant between the Father and the Son; “when thou shalt make his soul (if the soul of the Son shall devote himself) an offering for sin,” Is. 53:10, upon performing . . . Continue reading →
J. H. Heidegger: Christ Condignly Merited As The Second Adam
9.3 The Covenant Of Works The covenant of works is the pact of God initiated with the uncorrupted Adam, as head of the whole human race, in which He stipulated from man perfect obedience to the law, promised eternal, heavenly life for . . . Continue reading →
Hodge On Adam, Christ, Conditions, And Merit
The condition of the covenant of grace, so far as adults are concerned, is faith in Christ. That is, in order to partake of the benefits of this covenant we must receive the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God in . . . Continue reading →
Rutherford: Meritorious Works For Adam And Christ But Grace For Us
Christ gave perfect obedience as man to the Covenant of Works, and he did merit as man, by the law of works, life eternal, the way that Adam should have merited life eternal, so he had never fallen…. Continue reading →
A Brief History Of Covenant Theology
The roots of Reformed covenant theology are as deep as the Christian revelation and tradition is old. Its importance to the Reformed faith cannot be overstated. The great Princeton theologian, B. B. Warfield called federal (covenant) theology, “architectonic principle” of the Westminster . . . Continue reading →
On The Reformed Pubcast Discussing Covenant Theology
Covenant theology is sometimes regarded and presented by American evangelicals as an idiosyncratic, mysterious, even esoteric way to read Scripture. Of course, from a historical and biblical perspective, it is nothing of the sort. Much of what the Reformed began to teach . . . Continue reading →
Hodge: Christ Fulfilled The Conditions Of The Covenant Of Works For Believers
The second consequence attributed to the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, is a title to eternal life. This in the older writers is often expressed by the words “adoption and heirship.” Being made the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus (Gal. . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Trinity And The Covenant Of Redemption (Part 1)
There are passages in Scripture such as Psalm 110, Hebrews 7, and John chapter 17 that reflect something of the eternal relationship between the persons of the Trinity and especially between the Father and the Son. In the Reformation some of our . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Trinity And The Covenant Of Redemption (Part 2)
There are passages in Scripture such as Psalm 110, Hebrews 7, and John chapter 17 that reflect something of the eternal relationship between the persons of the Trinity and especially between the Father and the Son. In the Reformation some of our . . . Continue reading →
Gillespie: Christ Fulfilled The Covenant Of Works And Earned Condign Merit
1. Christ is a doer and fulfiller of the covenant of works most exactly in all points, both the command, and the curse and penalty of the Covenant, is satisfied by him; this is works, and this was the condition required upon . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 128: I Am That I Am (6)—The Trinity And The Covenant Of Redemption
I am excited to back behind the Heidelmic again and judging from the discussions I am seeing in print and online it looks like it is none too soon. James Dolezal has published an important new book, All That Is In God: . . . Continue reading →
What Is The Covenant Of Redemption?
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Heidelcast 165: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (11): The Elect Stone And Elect Stones
There is a strain of modern evangelical theology that looks forward to the literal rebuilding of the Israelite temple and to the re-institution of sacrifices, albeit, in that case, memorial sacrifices. This passage should help us see one of the important reasons . . . Continue reading →
1689 Vs. The Westminster Confession (7): On The Fall, The Covenant Of Works, And The Covenant Of Grace
Our comparison and contrast of the WCF with the 2LC continues through chapters 6 and 7, “Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof” and “Of God’s Covenant with Man.” WCF 6.1 2LC 6.1 1. Our first parents, being seduced . . . Continue reading →