Herman Witsius (1636–1708) was a faithful and godly Dutch Reformed pastor who also taught at Franeker, Utrecht, and Leiden. The traditional story about Witsius is that te sought to mediate between G. Voetius’ (1589–1676) concerns about piety and orthodoxy with the more . . . Continue reading →
classic covenant theology
Classical Covenant Theology
Edited by and some translations by R. Scott Clark On Law and Gospel On the Covenant of Redemption (pactum salutis) On the Covenant of Works (foedus operum) On the Covenant of Grace (foedus gratiae) On Justification On Union with Christ On the . . . Continue reading →
The Son Of God Appointed A Guarantor
The Son of God, having been appointed by God as Mediator of the covenant, becomes the guarantor on two counts: 1) He shall satisfy for the sins of all those whom the Father has given him; 2) He shall also bring it to pass that . . . Continue reading →
Classic Reformed Covenant Theology And Its Opponents
I have found it absolutely necessary to oppose different opinions; both those of the public adversaries of the reformed churches, amongst whom I reckon, first, the Socinians and the Remonstrants, who, by their daring comments have defiled the doctrine of God’s covenants; . . . Continue reading →