They Aren't Really Addressing the Issue Yet-updated

Lee surveys some responses to this discussion about how Reformed folk should relate to contemporary evangelicalism. None of these responses really gets to the issue of definition. There’s a great body of secondary lit (and this list is very selective and omits some . . . Continue reading →

Why Being "An Evangelical" Today is Complicated

Clair MacMillan, National Director of the Church of the Nazarene in Canada recently published a characterization of what it is to be “evangelical” in Canada (HT: Bill Jones): Evangelical Christianity begins with the biblical assumption that God loves all people equally and . . . Continue reading →

What Fuller Says About Evangelicals: Nolo Contendere

The AP ran a story this past Sunday revealing that Fuller Seminary (Pasadena, California) has decided not to contest the formation of a homosexual student group on campus known as OneTable. Fuller’s policy says that marriage is between one man and one . . . Continue reading →