Lee surveys some responses to this discussion about how Reformed folk should relate to contemporary evangelicalism. None of these responses really gets to the issue of definition. There’s a great body of secondary lit (and this list is very selective and omits some . . . Continue reading →
defining evangelical
Stealing a Tradition and Calling it Your Own
Those who upset with my “churchless evangelicals” series might want to read this from Zrim. They might also consider who or what gets to define the adjective “Reformed.”
Why Being "An Evangelical" Today is Complicated
Clair MacMillan, National Director of the Church of the Nazarene in Canada recently published a characterization of what it is to be “evangelical” in Canada (HT: Bill Jones): Evangelical Christianity begins with the biblical assumption that God loves all people equally and . . . Continue reading →
What Fuller Says About Evangelicals: Nolo Contendere
The AP ran a story this past Sunday revealing that Fuller Seminary (Pasadena, California) has decided not to contest the formation of a homosexual student group on campus known as OneTable. Fuller’s policy says that marriage is between one man and one . . . Continue reading →
Hart On The Intractable Problem Of Defining Evangelical
Key to Kidd’s strategy is definition. He characterizes evangelicals as “born-again Protestants who cherish the Bible as the Word of God and who emphasize a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.” [4] Conversion, Scripture, and experience of the Holy . . . Continue reading →
Defining “Evangelical” Is Already Difficult But This Makes It Impossible
…The second factor bolstering evangelicalism on surveys is that more people are embracing the label who have no attachment to Protestant Christianity. For example, the share of Catholics who also identified as evangelicals (or born again) rose to 15 percent in 2018 . . . Continue reading →