Brian's God

Brian McLaren has source of continual fascination at the HB. He’s also been so for Martin Downes at Against Heresies. Martin is raising questions about McLaren’s latest in which he demonstrates that concern that the Emergent Movement is just another form of . . . Continue reading →

Heidelberg 33: God’s Eternally And Only Begotten Son And His Adopted Sons (3)

We are considering how we understand the language of the Apostles’ Creed, when we say, “only begotten Son” and how we explain it in our catechism. In Question 33 we say: 33. Why is He called God’s “only begotten Son,” since we . . . Continue reading →

The Strange Familiarity Of Socinianism

Each fall I lead a course in which we read some great texts of Reformed orthodoxy and scholasticism. This week we turned our attention to John Owen’s response to Socinianism. We’re focusing our attention on chapter 7 of his response to the . . . Continue reading →

Socinianism And The Denial Of Eternal Generation

Whereas our Savior is frequently, in Scripture, call’d the Son of God, the Socinians deny that he is so call’d with respect to his Eternal Generation, or being Begotten of his Father before all World’s; as also they deny that his Divinity . . . Continue reading →

How To Avoid Biblicism

The basic question at stake is, “What makes a doctrine biblical?” That question is of course important to Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, but it is particularly important for us Protestants, affirming as we do sola scriptura. What I would like to . . . Continue reading →

Trueman: Might You Be A Socinian And Not Know It?

Cut some of the leading evangelical writers of the last decades and they bleed Socinus—without even knowing his name. For example, Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, the most widely read text of its kind in English-speaking conservative evangelical circles, rejects eternal generation of . . . Continue reading →

Muller On The Sources Of Biblicism

The rise and development of Socinianism in the seventeenth century cannot entirely account for the variant trinitarianisms of the age, including the English debates of the 1640s and 1650s, the variant language and historical perspectives of the Cambridge Platonists, and the doctrinal . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 222: A Question & Answer Cornucopia


In this episode Dr Clark answers Heidelcalls, texts, and mails with questions, questions, and more questions from 1) Aaron about “covenant renewal worship” (is this a “federal vision” thing or may orthodox Reformed Christians talk this way?); 2) Ritchie (from Ireland) about . . . Continue reading →

1689 Vs. The Westminster Confession (4): Some Of These Things Are Not Like The Others

Our comparison and contrast of the WCF with the 2LC continues through chapter 2, Of God and of the Holy Trinity. WCF 2LC 1.There is but one only, living, and true God: who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure . . . Continue reading →