Martin explains the connection.
open theism
Clark Pinnock Dies at Age 73; Was God Surprised?
Too soon? Bad taste? Perhaps but so is suggesting that God might have a body (see Most Moved Mover) and that the future is “genuinely open” to God. As soon as I read of Pinnock’s death in Christianity Today the first thing . . . Continue reading →
The Irony Of Denying Divine Impassibility: A Greek God
This is why most of the theologians who espouse a suffering God intentionally advocate a panentheistic notion of God”that is, that while God is potentially more than the cosmos, the cosmos is constitutive of His very being. (Those theologians who espouse a . . . Continue reading →
Helm Critiques Frame’s Perspectival Theism
In The Doctrine of God (2002) we find Frame discussing God’s relationship to time and space. (The sections are reproduced almost verbatim in Frame’s recently published doorstopper, his one volume Systematic Theology. (On God and time compare pages 557f. of The Doctrine . . . Continue reading →
Does God Change?
In Reformed theology, the doctrine of God is at the headwaters. What we say about God touches every locus of theology. It shapes our theology, piety, and practice. When we say that humans are created in the image of God, we cannot . . . Continue reading →
Providence: God’s Active, Almighty, Present, Power (1)
From the moment Adam sought to grasp equality with God (Phil 2), from the moment he mysteriously rebelled against God’s sovereignty and hiddenness (“You shall be as God”), from the moment he ceased to love and adore the triune God, since that . . . Continue reading →
Does God Change?
Introduction In Reformed theology, the doctrine of God is at the headwaters. What we say about God touches every locus of theology. It shapes our theology, piety, and practice. When we say that humans are created in the image of God, we . . . Continue reading →
God Is Immutable.
One of the most disturbing developments in the latter phases of the decline of the neo-evangelical empire, as Carl Henry, Harold Ockenga et al came to be replaced by their baby-boomer successors was the influx at the same time of a Socinian . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 133: I Am That I Am (10): The Attributes Of God
In this episode we continue our consideration of the divine attributes, particularly divine immensity and immutablity. By immensity we mean that attribute whereby God fills all that can be filled with all of himself all of the time, yet so that the Creator . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 146: I AM That I AM (14): God’s Sovereign Arrangement Of All Things
We are continuing our series on the doctrine of God, I Am That I Am. This is part 14 of the series, which begins with Heidelcast episode 123. We could not be addressing a more timely topic: providence. Heidelberg Catechism 27 asks: . . . Continue reading →