Editor’s Note: Originally posted on Saturday, September 1, 2007 at 09:46AM. Lightly edited. Roger Olson is at it again. He wants to know where God was when the bridge collapsed in Minneapolis. The smart aleck answer, of course is, “Everywhere, right where . . . Continue reading →
divine sovereignty
Heidelcast: Does God Give Faith to the Living or to the Dead?
Heidelcast: Does God Give Faith to the Living or the Dead? Dan writes to the HC to ask about the timing of regeneration (making alive by the Spirit) and faith but he raises the question of whether God gives faith to the . . . Continue reading →
The Coherence Of Word And Spirit
A problem exists in the modern church, plagued by modernity, in her inability to see the coinherence of the word and Spirit. Pietism seeks a separation of the two, but Romanism prioritizes the office over the Spirit. If the institution and office . . . Continue reading →
Providence: God’s Active, Almighty, Present, Power (1)
From the moment Adam sought to grasp equality with God (Phil 2), from the moment he mysteriously rebelled against God’s sovereignty and hiddenness (“You shall be as God”), from the moment he ceased to love and adore the triune God, since that . . . Continue reading →
With The Jerusalem Chamber On WCF Chapter 3 And Divine Sovereignty
Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 3 says: 1. God, from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass: yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of . . . Continue reading →
Divine Sovereignty, Evil, Mystery, and “Calvinism”
Recently, a well-meaning “New Calvinist” (more on this nomenclature in part 2) posted some very blunt language on Twitter about the relationship between divine sovereignty and various ways in which people suffer in this world. He wrote that if you experienced X . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 140: I Am That I Am (12): The Attributes Of God
The foundational truth for this series is the categorical distinction, the Creator/creature distinction. We can and must apprehend God as he reveals himself to us. He is knowable. We can say true things about him, but we can never know God in . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 147: I AM That I AM (15): God’s Sovereign Arrangement Of All Things (part 2)
We are continuing our series on the doctrine of God, I Am That I Am. This is part 15 of the series, which begins with Heidelcast episode 123. This episode is the second part of our discussion of the doctrine of divine . . . Continue reading →
How Did We Come To Faith?
Why should we study what the Bible says about how we came to faith in Jesus? Isn’t it enough to simply believe and let it go? After all, do not such discussions only cause hurt feelings and doctrinal arguments among believers? These are good questions. Here are two answers. First, Jesus himself calls us to pay attention to His hard words. Continue reading →
Heidelcast 211: Our Father (2): Since God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
This is part two in our series on prayer, Our Father. In part 1 we considered what prayer is. In this episode we are answering the question why pray? Heidelblog readers, students, and others regularly ask “Since God is sovereign why pray?” . . . Continue reading →
God Is Sovereign Over His Twofold Kingdom
God is sovereign over his twofold kingdom and he administers it in two distinct spheres. Continue reading →
Second Council Of Orange On The Succor Of God
CANON 9. Concerning the succor of God. It is a mark of divine favor when we are of a right purpose and keep our feet from hypocrisy and unrighteousness; for as often as we do good, God is at work in us . . . Continue reading →