Heidelcast 211: Our Father (2): Since God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?

This is part two in our series on prayer, Our Father. In part 1 we considered what prayer is. In this episode we are answering the question why pray? Heidelblog readers, students, and others regularly ask “Since God is sovereign why pray?” The good news is that we are not the first to ask this question. Christians have been asking this question since Adam was expelled from the garden. Calvin addressed this question very nicely in Institutes, book three chapter 20. The great Reformed theologian Herman Witsius also addressed it. It’s a perennial and we will tackle that question and we will also consider three passages of Scripture and we will look at Heidelberg 116 again in more depth.



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  1. Sinclair Ferguson has a Westminster shorter catechism podcast. One question is read every weekday. It is nice to have the questions come into my podcast feed automatically. Are there any podcasts like this for the 3 forms of unity that make it easy? If it is done for me, I’m more likely to consistently listen.

  2. Rev. Michael Babcock ( senior minister, Calvin OPC, Phoenix, AZ) ” God is sovereign. This world is not out of control. He works all things for His purpose. I needed that. This is what lead me to the Reformed faith.” Rev. Babcock was born and raised Roman Catholic. In his later years of high school he considered being a priest, to the extent of even studying among the monks at a monastery.

  3. “Since God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?” Thank you for such a thorough answer to this question and related issues. Though a Christian for many years and though I understood it all, times of affliction can dig up doubts. This full-orbed discussion was just what I needed.

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