“Common” is Not “Neutral”

An HB Classic

One of the more frequent criticisms of the attempt to appropriate the older Reformed “two kingdoms” (or as Calvin put, “a twofold kingdom”) approach to Reformed ethics for a post-Constantinian setting, as distinct from the “transformationalist” or some versions of neo-Kuyperianism, is . . . Continue reading →

Is John Piper Reformed? Or Holding The Coalition Together (Updated)

This morning my friend Kevin DeYoung (listen to the Office Hours interview with Kevin here) makes some arguments in defense of a broader definition of the adjective Reformed. This question is at the heart of why the HB exists and and why I wrote . . . Continue reading →

Bavinck: Antithesis And Common Grace

In the Middle Ages Thomas not only asserted that as rational beings human beings can—without supernatural grace—know natural truths but also testifies that it is impossible for there to be “some knowledge which is totally false without any admixture of some truth” . . . Continue reading →

Bavinck On Divine Simplicity

Now Christian theology has always been more or less conscious of this calling. On the whole, its teaching has been that God is “simple,” that is, sublimely free from all composition, and that therefore one cannot make any real [i.e., ontological] distinction . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Bavinck Contra Postmillennialism (1)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Bavinck Contra Postmillennialism (2)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →