And on the web here. If you’re interested in Reformed theology beyond Calvin (and you should be) then this resource will be of interest.
reformed theology
Farel's Baptismal Form
William (Guillaume) Farel preceded Calvin in Geneva and worked alongside him in advancing the Reformation there and elsewhere in the Francophone world in the 16th century. Wes Bredenhof has a fascinating account of his baptismal liturgy, which features a strong emphasis on . . . Continue reading →
A Gentle Rebuke to Brother John (Updated)
UPDATE 12 October 2009 The remarks that follow highlight areas of significant disagreement so let me preface my remarks thus: I am thankful for the good work that John Piper has done. I’m most thankful for his clear and strong stand in . . . Continue reading →
Paul Helm on Owen Contra Biblicism
Good stuff here—as expected.
Office Hours-Cornelius Van Til: Family Man, Friend, and Pastor
Office Hours talks this week with Dr. John Van Til, nephew of Reformed apologist and theologian Cornelius Van Til, about CVT’s life and ministry. Dr John Van Til is a Fellow for Law & Humanities at the Center for Vision and Values, . . . Continue reading →
Always Reformed: The Event
Reception of the book has been very good. Thanks for all the orders, emails, and calls. Contact the bookstore at: or at 760-760-735-2665 or click on the book image to order. Listen to the audio from the event. Joel and I discuss . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 14: Reforming Worship and the Basis for Marriage
The Heidelcast answers mail from Sam about how to pursue the reformation of worship in a congregation and about how much doctrinal agreement is necessary for a marriage.
The Grace Of Law?
An HB Classic
The question comes: I once heard someone say (or write) that the Law was also “graceful” because at least in this God’s case, He was letting His subjects know what was expected and wanted from them. I appreciate the intent of the . . . Continue reading →
Black, White, and Reformed
When this post first appeared in January 2008, there was an interesting discussion at the now-defunct on what it means to be black and Reformed. As a white guy with a long interest in black culture (my grammar school and Jr High . . . Continue reading →
Should Reformed Theology Move Beyond Covenant Theology?
I. SUMMARY In a post (HT: Aquila Report) dated Friday 9 August, Bill Evans raises the question whether there is in Reformed theology what he calls “pervasive covenantalism” or an over emphasis or imbalanced emphasis in Reformed theology on covenant. He points to . . . Continue reading →
Do The Reformed Distinguish Between Law And Gospel?
As a preliminary reply to Mark Jones’ recent post at Ref21 here are some resources to help clarify the picture regarding the Reformed appropriation of the law/gospel distinction: “Law and Gospel in Early Reformed Orthodoxy: Hermeneutical Conservatism in Olevianus’ Commentary on Romans,” . . . Continue reading →
Yes Virginia, There Is A Law-Gospel Distinction
When Martin Luther appeared before the Diet of Worms (1521), on the day after he asked for time to think, his examiner asked whether all the books stacked on the table were his. Luther began to answer by distinguishing between the various . . . Continue reading →
Calvin To The King Of Poland On The Scope Of Reformation
But the chief thing is, that Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, has so irradiated your mind with the light of his Gospel, that you understand that the true way of governing the Church is no other than what is to be derived . . . Continue reading →
Sola Scriptura Contra The Anabaptists In 1523–24
In his second disputation with Balthasar Hubmair, in 1523, Huldrych Zwingli well articulated the formal principle of the Reformation: “For in all controversies concerning faith and religion, the divine Scripture alone ought to be our measure and rule rather than oral tradition.” . . . Continue reading →
New In Print: J. H. Heidegger’s Concise Marrow Of Theology
J. H. Heidegger (1633–98) was a significant Swiss Reformed theologian, in Zürich, at the end of the 17th century. This volume is a clear, accessible introduction to Reformed theology. It is not technical. It was meant to be a starting point and . . . Continue reading →
The Threefold Distinction In the Law Is Basic Reformed Theology
And So Is The Distinction Between Law And Gospel
The law in general, is that part of God’s Word, which commands things just, honest, and godly, and being thus conceived, it is threefold: ceremonial, judicial, and moral. The ceremonial law, is that part of God’s Word, which prescribed to the Jews, . . . Continue reading →
Owen: Christians Are In The Same Church As Abraham (2)
It remains, then, that the church founded in the covenant, and unto which all the promises did and do belong, abode at the coming of Christ, and doth abide ever since, in and among those who are the children of Abraham by . . . Continue reading →
How Alastair Discovered And Embraced The Reformed Confession
Introduction Alastair Herd is a 2019 graduate of the University of Warwick (BSc, Chemistry), who has worked as a research technician. He is currently between positions as he recovers from an, as yet, undiagnosed illness with a range of symptoms. He is thankful . . . Continue reading →
What The Reformed Can Learn From A 1532 Synod: Preach Christ
God at all times has tied, as it were, the knowledge of Himself to certain suitable actions and signs, and these figures, shadows and types all point to Christ Jesus. Appearing in these last days, He has finished His course in the . . . Continue reading →
Boston: Christ Fulfilled The Condition
It is by this, and this alone, the salvation of sinners becomes a debt: therefore this alone is the condition of the covenant. For the reward is of debt to him, and him only, who fulfills the condition of a covenant: to . . . Continue reading →