Heidelcast listener Wes, who describes himself as a “newcomer to the Reformed faith,” writes to ask for recommendations to build a “firm foundation in Reformed theology.” Here are some preliminary recommendations. You are welcome to add your recommendations in the comments. To . . . Continue reading →
discovering the Reformed confession
Meet Your Host
Angela’s Reformation Story
I love my church. I mean LOVE. My family are members of a small, sweet, in many ways unremarkable Presbyterian church somewhere in Chicagoland. And yet every week on our way home, we marvel at just how remarkable our church actually is. . . . Continue reading →
An Interview With A Former Baptist Pastor Turned Confessional Presbyterian Minister
Job Dalomba has just been called to pastor Christ Covenant PCA in Woodstock, GA. Not only is this his first call to a PCA congregation, it is also the culmination of his journey from Baptist to Reformed convictions. Until recently he was . . . Continue reading →
Another Baptist Pastor Becomes Confessionally Reformed
Benjamin Lee, Director of Youth Ministry at Oakwood Presbyterian Church (PCA), announced (via Twitter) that he had accepted this new position. He also indicated that he had left his Baptist convictions to adopt the Reformed confession (including the Reformed view of the . . . Continue reading →
How Alastair Discovered And Embraced The Reformed Confession
Introduction Alastair Herd is a 2019 graduate of the University of Warwick (BSc, Chemistry), who has worked as a research technician. He is currently between positions as he recovers from an, as yet, undiagnosed illness with a range of symptoms. He is thankful . . . Continue reading →
Chris Discovers And Embraces The Reformed Confession
The following essay is written by Chris Smith, (B.A. History, Thomas Edison University; MDiv, Westminster Seminary California). He is a candidate for the Master of Arts in Historical Theology at WSC. He’s a native of Nebraska (Go Big Red!) and hopes to . . . Continue reading →
The Wall In The Middle Of The Book: Evangelicalism To Presbyterianism
Advice From A Former Baptist Pastor For Those Discovering The Reformed Confession
I had recently had a conversation where the discussion turned to my experience transitioning from a Baptist minister to a Teaching Elder in the PCA. Part of it was reflection on what I learned, good decisions, regrets, etc. It would likely require a book to go through all the ins and outs of the process, but for now I would like to offer 13 takeaways and/or thoughts that would be good steps and measures as you consider entering into the Reformed tradition. Continue reading →
In Defense Of Labels
Imagine going to a supermarket where none of the groceries was labeled and where none of the aisles was marked. For that matter, imagine trying to figure out which of the buildings in the strip mall is the grocery or telling one . . . Continue reading →
Understanding The New Calvinists: Neither New Nor Calvinists
The New Calvinist movement is probably about 20 years old or so. Collin Hanson’s Young, Restless, and Reformed appeared in 2008, just before Recovering the Reformed Confession. Whether it is Reformed is a matter to be debated. In recent years, however, the movement has certainly shown itself to be restless. One prominent figure in the movement has publicly abandoned the Christian faith. Three prominent figures, James MacDonald, C. J. Mahaney, and Mark Driscoll, have been either been removed from their churches or resigned amidst scandals. One might think of them as elephants in the YRR/New Calvinist room. Continue reading →
Are Confessions Themselves QIRC-Y?
A correspondent to the Heidelblog writes: …I have been living in the Heidelblog lately, and have been challenged to rethink so many previous convictions. Thank you for this resource! I especially have been edified by the QIRC/QIRE idea, but thinking through it . . . Continue reading →
Not To Worry. Christ Is Still Lord. Nothing Has Changed
Another Christian musician has announced that he has “deconstructed” his faith. Continue reading
Updated Resource Page On The Reformed Confessions
I have added a revised resource page with good translations of some of the major Reformed confessions Continue reading
June 2021 Issue Of Table Talk Magazine: “The Confessing Church”
The June 2021 issue of Table Talk magazine (from Ligonier Ministries) is devoted to the importance and use of confessions. Here is the table of contents: “Why We’re Confessional” | Burk Parsons “The Confessing Church In History” | John Muether “Confessions and . . . Continue reading →
Sometimes, Upon First Becoming Reformed, Some Become Jerks
Let’s admit, however, that sometimes, upon first becoming Reformed, some folk become jerks. Sometimes this phase is temporary. Mike Horton calls this the “cage phase,” when a new convert to Reformed Christianity needs to be put in a cage until he matures. . . . Continue reading →
Discovering The Reformed Confession Across The Globe
The HB receives email and comments from across the globe on a regular basis. Two comments came in yesterday that were particularly poignant. Continue reading
There Is No Such Thing As A “Five Point” Calvinist
There are, therefore, more than five points and — as far as the confessions and the Reformed dogmaticians from Calvin to Kuyper are concerned — there cannot be such a thing as a “five-point Calvinist” or “five-point Reformed Christian” who owns just . . . Continue reading →
Valentinus, Marcion, And Contemporary Christianity
Discovering The Reformed Confession: Keith Giles Moves From Hal Lindsey To The Heidelberg Catechism
I was born and brought up in London, England and my family were faithful members of the Open Brethren churches, who count as part of their history the great George Müller and the martyr, Jim Elliot; firmly premillennial, dispensational, ‘no creed but the Bible’ and credobaptist with many other idiosyncrasies thrown in! I moved to Coventry in the Midlands of England for college and stayed in that area afterwards, involved in a variety of evangelistic efforts and youth work. I even remember one summer teaching faithfully at a Bible class with all the charts and without any doubt, the end times according to Hal Lindsey! Continue reading →