At Restless and Reforming.
Young Restless and Reformed
Scot McKnight and the "Neo-Reformed"
The reaction of the evangelical latitudinarians against the Young, Restless, and Reformed guys continues. Scot McKnight has been blogging about his blurb for N. T. Wright’s latest book. Justin Taylor has responded. This has been a topic on the HB before. One . . . Continue reading →
More on Scot McKnight's Critique of the Neo-Reformed
The i-Monk has weighed in. He writes: No, Scot is right, and it didn’t take a seminary professor to see it. Dress codes. Young earth creationism. Gothardite approaches to rules. Authoritarianism. Movies are evil and away we go. Find me a Rook . . . Continue reading →
Don't Stand There in the Entry, Come on In!
Kevin DeYoung, on of the authors of a terrific book on the emergent/emerging movements has a blog and he writes today about a conference just held at his congregation with Collin Hansen. He makes a couple of points to which I want . . . Continue reading →
More (YRR) Calvinism in TIME
Apparently the YRR version of “Calvinism” is #3 with a bullet. Compare this story with the story from TIME in 1947 (HT: Justin Taylor).
Calvinism Old and "New"
In response to the recent TIME magazine piece on the YRR, Mark Driscoll published a piece on the Resurgence contrasting the “new” Calvinists with the “old” Calvinists. It was followed up by a piece with a kinder, gentler treatment of the tired, . . . Continue reading →
Old, Grumpy, and (Actually) Reformed
A young, ex-dispensationalist speaks to his generation about the YRR phenomenon.
The Trouble with TULIPS
When the young neo-Evangelicals, Billy Graham, Carl F. H. Henry, & co. established Christianity Today in 1956 they did so to offer an alternative to the more liberal Christian Century magazine. In its early years there was a strong confessionally Reformed presence . . . Continue reading →
Of Militants and Moderates
Darryl Hart (as always) has a provocative (in the best sense) post today at Old Life. His use of the categories “militants” and “moderates” is very useful and helpful. To anticipate a criticism, yes, Reformed people can sometimes be jerks. Neither Darryl . . . Continue reading →
Collin Hansen on Evangelical "Self-Inflicted Amnesia"
Sometimes younger Christians give the impression that we have things figured out. We’re the future. We’ve found the old methods wanting, so we’ve developed new ones. We’re the generation that will strike the right balance where our forebears fell over to one . . . Continue reading →
Is There REALLY a "Reformed Resurgence"?
Kevin DeYoung has asked whether the RR will fly in GR. George Barna, however, suggests that, statistically, the RR isn’t flying at all. Indeed, there is no RR. Darryl Hart explains. If it turns out that there was more noise than actual, . . . Continue reading →
Critique of Driscoll and YRR Movement Now in Portuguese
Thanks to Alan Rennê for making a translation of the HB post: “Calvinism Old and New.”
Joel’s Not So Bad After All?
Mark Driscoll on Joel Osteen
UPDATED 14:02 5 Feb 2013 So says YRR (Young, Restless, and Reformed) leader Mark Driscoll in an interview (regarding his forthcoming book) published by the TGC: Q: You observe that “appreciated people” exchange grumbling for praying, competing for celebrating, bitterness for thankfulness, . . . Continue reading →
Narcissus Lives!
Narcissus is a mythological story about a young man who became so fascinated with his own reflection it cost him his life. Narcissism is a psychological disorder that confuses subjective experience for objective reality. In Recovering the Reformed Confession I described the . . . Continue reading →
Young, Restless, And New School
All of this is to say that the New Calvinism looks a lot like the old New School Presbyterianism with a Baptist and charismatic flair to it. Piper chose not to deal with this issue between the Old and the New just . . . Continue reading →
Don’t Just Stand There. Come On In!
Kevin DeYoung writes about a conference just held at his congregation with Collin Hansen. He makes a couple of points to which I want to respond. As a minister who has spent a fair bit of time calling people to Christ and . . . Continue reading →
What needs to be very clear is that the current by-laws of Mars Hill Church do not give the elders the authority to examine these charges. The Board of Advisors and Accountability is in charge of convening a group of overseers to . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Horton On The Ordinary As An Alternative For Young, Restless, Radical Christianity
Americans believe in and really like the extraordinary. We speak frequently—and not without some reason—of American exceptionalism. Since the 1720s Evangelical Christianity in America has been dominated by a desire to see and experience the extraordinary whether that be the attempt to . . . Continue reading →
Canons Of Dort Day 2016: Growing Beyond The TULIP
One of the benefits of the interest in Reformed theology among broader evangelicals is a new openness, in some quarters, to moving beyond bullet points and slogans. Perhaps no points are more famous and less understood than TULIP: Total depravity, Unconditional election, . . . Continue reading →