Thanks to Alan Rennê for making a translation of the HB post: “Calvinism Old and New.”
Global Reformed Theology
The Heidelberg Catechism In Swahili
Two Kenyan pastors, both ministering in Three Forms of Unity churches, have just completed this new translation of the Heidelberg Catechism into Swahili. Our federation of churches has 10 congregations in it, mostly from some of the poorest and most neglected tribes. . . . Continue reading →
Teaching The Heidelberg Catechism In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo
The Three Forms Of Unity In Taught In Swahili, In Isiolo, Kenya
Heidelmedia Has A Global Reach
Thanks for providing such great resources. Many of our Kenyan friends are now listening to the Heidelcast series “I will be a God to you and unto your children.” Continue reading →
News From The Emmaus Reformed Church Of East Africa
Our brothers Benard Okongo and Evans Mokua have made great progress in planting a new Reformed church in Kisii Town, Kenya. This town is at the center of a county of over a million people. The Seventh Day Adventists have been very . . . Continue reading →
Reformation in Africa: Reaching Africa for the Gospel
One hundred and fifty years ago, Africa was predominantly pagan in the south, and Muslim in the north. Yet incredibly, today most of the world’s Christians are found in Africa. There are presently an estimated 680 million (and rapidly growing) professing Christians . . . Continue reading →