Teaching The Heidelberg Catechism In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo

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    • Gentlemen hello,
      There are two pastors teaching here. The pastor in the picture is Lameck Ochieng from Ahero in Kenya, one of the men who worked on the new Kiswahili translation. He is fluent in English, Swahili and Luo. The host pastor is Ephrem Bufole, fluent in French and Swahili. Between the two of them they’re able to overcome some of the unique differences in vocabulary and dialect.

      We are working on getting a better translation into the Swahili speakers in Tanzania where our pastor friend, Suleman Kanagana, sent us this message recently:

      “ Thanks my brother. I try to check it before to use it. We have some different words between Kenya and Tanzania by means. Example the word wife in Kenya they call bibi while in Tanzania bibi means grandmother. The word grandmother in Kenya they call nyanya, while the word nyanya in Tanzania means tomato or tomatoes. I will try to check it before. Thanks my brother”

      We’re hopeful to get a local revision there soon, because I don’t remember there being any grandmas or tomatoes in the Heidelberg Catechism—but Suleman is an able workman, up to the task.

      Thanks again for letting folks know about this vital work, Dr. Clark.

      Blessings and thanks for your prayers.

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