I am happy to share with you that, by God’s grace, the ministry of the Word in Milan continues to flourish. God has blessed us with several new families and students. Continue reading →
Global Presbyterianism
Diary of a Traveling Pastor: South Africa
Classis Southwest U.S. of the United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA) was delighted to receive, provisionally, the Reformed Church of the Southern Suburbs (RCSS) of Cape Town, South Africa in March 2023. Continue reading →
Diary of a Traveling Pastor: EU Reformation
After a great couple of weeks in the UK, I traveled to Bucharest, Romania to visit Mihai Corcea and the Evangelical Reformed Church of Bucharest. Mihai was born in Transylvania, but does not recoil at the sight of a cross. He does, . . . Continue reading →
Diary of a Traveling Pastor: London Calling
This summer, my consistory decided to send me to Europe in order to support our URC missionaries. What began as a short trip to Romania, turned into a four-country European tour. My first two stops: England and Scotland. This was my first . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel Makes Progress In Milan
On Sunday, January 29, 2023 we received a new member into our church. Federico Gobbo, 28, (pictured above, while Elder Vittorio Calderaro makes an announcement from the pulpit) stood during public worship and took vows of membership, entering into full communion with Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia. Continue reading →
How You Can Help Izmir’s Protestant Church Help With Earthquake Relief
As you are surely aware, Turkey just experienced the most devastating earthquake in the long history of our earthquake-prone area. Ten districts are destroyed and 15 million people affected. We are writing to provide you with a clear and comprehensive plan for . . . Continue reading →
Reformation in Africa: Reaching Africa for the Gospel
One hundred and fifty years ago, Africa was predominantly pagan in the south, and Muslim in the north. Yet incredibly, today most of the world’s Christians are found in Africa. There are presently an estimated 680 million (and rapidly growing) professing Christians . . . Continue reading →
A Christmas Letter From Ukraine
The country woke up to the sound of air raid sirens today. Russians don’t cease their missile attacks on our infrastructure and civilian objects. Yesterday dozens of families in Cherson received a call from officials that their loved ones were killed or . . . Continue reading →
Teraz po polsku (Now In Polish) The Westminster Confession and Christianity & Liberalism
The Reformed theology, piety, and practice is a global phenomenon. Continue reading →
A Tour Of The Reformed World In Uganda
After my lecture in Covenant Theology class, a student, John,1 came up to speak with me. He shared that he was having trouble paying his fees, which is a common struggle post COVID. But he was having trouble for a more particular . . . Continue reading →
News From The Emmaus Reformed Church Of East Africa
Our brothers Benard Okongo and Evans Mokua have made great progress in planting a new Reformed church in Kisii Town, Kenya. This town is at the center of a county of over a million people. The Seventh Day Adventists have been very . . . Continue reading →
Fedya Says: Please Continue Praying
In the meantime, he grieves his separation from his family, mourns his country’s suffering, and hopes in the gospel. “I believe the Lord is using this terrible situation to advance his gospel,” he said. “That’s the only hope for the world.” Minakov . . . Continue reading →
From The Battlefield: The Peace Of Christ Is Greater Than Russkiy Mir
On February 24, at 5:00 AM I woke up in my Kyiv apartment. “What were those sounds? Lord, I hope it’s not missiles. Please Lord, let it be something else.” I jumped out of bed, opened a window and listened. A few . . . Continue reading →
The Reformed Church In Milan Is Serving Ukrainian Refugees. You Can Help.
The congregation writes: Our church, Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia in Milan, Italy is raising funds to help brothers and sisters in Christ from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Kharkiv, Ukraine who are fleeing west for safety. As many of you have seen on . . . Continue reading →
Update On Ukrainian Refugees In Hungary
Every day brings new stories. Last evening we welcomed Irina, a young Ukrainian lady. Her family is from Donetsk, and she was in Kiev when the war started. She was in the last transports of refugees that left the encircled city. Somebody . . . Continue reading →
A New Reformed Federation Of Reformed Churches Is Forming In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo
The Reformed Faith Is A Global Faith
This week over three days, our dear brother Ephrem Bufole held a conference teaching elders and children’s ministry teachers the Heidelberg Catechism. These men are serious about the Reformed faith. They are leaving Pentecostalism behind. The pictures show the participants, the Three . . . Continue reading →
Meet A Confessional Hungarian Reformed Church
Brad Isbell recently interviewed Péter Szabó on the Presbycast about the history and renewal of Reformed theology, piety, and practice in Hungary. Continue reading
A Report From A Christian In Ukraine
It is very hard to process all that is going on right now in my country. I was in Kyiv when Putin sent his missiles and cruise rockets in every major city of Ukraine (including Kyiv). I woke up from explosions at . . . Continue reading →
How Hungarian Reformed Christians Are Helping Ukrainian Refugees
In the middle of the night a car arrived. Two families got out of the vehicle, that is two moms and three children. Both ladies are wives of pastors in northern Ukraine, in a city with an important transport hub, which makes . . . Continue reading →
Pray For Christians In Ukraine
It appears that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has begun in earnest. There are Reformed and Evangelical Christians in Donetsk, which was invaded yesterday. There are Reformed Christians in Kyiv associated with a seminary there. Pray for wisdom for our political leaders, . . . Continue reading →