These two volumes are published by Tolle Lege Institute, in Warsaw, Poland. Long-time readers of this space may remember our 2014 story on the Tolle Lege Institute, Taking the Reformation Back to Poland. Last year we told you about the confessional Reformed Church In Lithuania And Poland. The first volume is a Polish-language edition of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The translation follows the 1646 manuscript of Cornelius Burgess with John Bower’s (2020) critical text. It was translated by Mateusz Kupiec and edited by Dr Dariuz M. Bryćko. More information about this title is available from Tolle Lege Institute (English) or Instytut Tolle Lege (Polish).
The text of Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism is the 1923 edition, now in the public domain, and was published in Polish in 2020. It was translated by Dr. Emilia Żochowska and edited by Dr Dariuz M. Bryćko. Information about this volume is also available from the Institute.
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