Our brothers Benard Okongo and Evans Mokua have made great progress in planting a new Reformed church in Kisii Town, Kenya. This town is at the center of a county of over a million people. The Seventh Day Adventists have been very influential in this area and whole towns and villages are closed on Saturdays. These men took to the streets to preach and also went house to house taking with them the newly printed editions of the Three Forms of Unity (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort). They are using the Heidelberg Catechism in their evangelism. After all, they understand evangelism as making disciples and getting them to participate and become members of the church, the Body of Christ.
We all plan to meet again the third week of May to open our new training center and form the new denomination, the Emmaus Reformed Church of East Africa. We expect well over 30 attendees from Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, and we’ll even have two coming from Ethiopia. We are very excited about this.
©Jim Faucett. All Rights Reserved.
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- A New Reformed Federation Of Reformed Churches Is Forming In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo
- The Three Forms Of Unity In Taught In Swahili, In Isiolo, Kenya
- The Canons Of Dort In Swahili
- Belgic Confession In Swahili
- The Heidelberg Catechism In Swahili