Pray For Christians In Ukraine

It appears that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has begun in earnest. There are Reformed and Evangelical Christians in Donetsk, which was invaded yesterday. There are Reformed Christians in Kyiv associated with a seminary there. Pray for wisdom for our political leaders, . . . Continue reading →

Imprecatory Prayers (Or The Theonomist In Each Of Us)

Tish Harrison Warren, who writes for Christianity Today, who is a priest—a topic for another essay— in the Anglican Church in North America, has published an editorial in CT calling for Christians to pray imprecatory prayers against Vladimir Putin. She begins with . . . Continue reading →

The Reformed Church In Milan Is Serving Ukrainian Refugees. You Can Help.

The congregation writes: Our church, Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia in Milan, Italy is raising funds to help brothers and sisters in Christ from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Kharkiv, Ukraine who are fleeing west for safety. As many of you have seen on . . . Continue reading →

From The Battlefield: The Peace Of Christ Is Greater Than Russkiy Mir

On February 24, at 5:00 AM I woke up in my Kyiv apartment. “What were those sounds? Lord, I hope it’s not missiles. Please Lord, let it be something else.”  I jumped out of bed, opened a window and listened. A few . . . Continue reading →

Fedya Says: Please Continue Praying

In the meantime, he grieves his separation from his family, mourns his country’s suffering, and hopes in the gospel. “I believe the Lord is using this terrible situation to advance his gospel,” he said. “That’s the only hope for the world.” Minakov . . . Continue reading →

A Christmas Letter From Ukraine

The country woke up to the sound of air raid sirens today. Russians don’t cease their missile attacks on our infrastructure and civilian objects. Yesterday dozens of families in Cherson received a call from officials that their loved ones were killed or . . . Continue reading →