Thanks to Kim for pointing this out!
Calvinism in the Culture
More (YRR) Calvinism in TIME
Apparently the YRR version of “Calvinism” is #3 with a bullet. Compare this story with the story from TIME in 1947 (HT: Justin Taylor).
The New York Times, Sioux Center, And Calvinism
I guess that Dutch Calvinists in Orange City and Sioux Center, IA do not often feature prominently in the New York Times but they did in an August 9, 2020 story by Elizabeth Dias. The dateline is Sioux Center, IA, one of . . . Continue reading →
Of QAnon, Calvin, And the LA Times
It is a deep animus that would seek to tie John Calvin (1509–1564) to the QAnon-fueled wackos who stormed the American capitol earlier this month but that is what Richard Hughes tries to do in a recent editorial in the Los Angeles . . . Continue reading →
The Weber Thesis Is Still Wrong (Updated)
Introduction The one thing Political Science profs (I earned a BA in Poli Sci, University of Nebraska, 1984) think they know about John Calvin (1509–64) is that his doctrine of predestination created grave doubts in the hearts and minds of his followers . . . Continue reading →