Beyond Niebuhr on Christ and Culture

Here’s a review of H. Richard Niebuhr’s classic, Christ and Culture by WSC student. C&C is disappointing. It’s ham-fisted. It lacks historical nuance and it’s missing a crucial category. It’s been enormously influential among evangelicals and mainliners, however, so it’s important to know . . . Continue reading →

Re-Thinking Christ and Culture

There are a couple of recent competitors to Niebuhr’s classic, Christ and Culture. The WHI guys interviewed the Craig Carter, author of a recent book on this topic. It’s stimulating. Carter is right that Constantinianism (ancient and modern) is borne of an . . . Continue reading →

The Truth About Theological Liberalism

A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross. —H. Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America (1937), 193.

Valentinus, Marcion, And Contemporary Christianity

In our ancient church course we have been working through the basic ideas and foundational figures in the Gnostic movement of the second century AD.