Beyond Niebuhr on Christ and Culture

Here’s a review of H. Richard Niebuhr’s classic, Christ and Culture by WSC student. C&C is disappointing. It’s ham-fisted. It lacks historical nuance and it’s missing a crucial category. It’s been enormously influential among evangelicals and mainliners, however, so it’s important to know . . . Continue reading →

Re-Thinking Christ and Culture

There are a couple of recent competitors to Niebuhr’s classic, Christ and Culture. The WHI guys interviewed the Craig Carter, author of a recent book on this topic. It’s stimulating. Carter is right that Constantinianism (ancient and modern) is borne of an . . . Continue reading →

Valentinus, Marcion, And Contemporary Christianity

In our ancient church course we have been working through the basic ideas and foundational figures in the Gnostic movement of the second century AD.