One of the great academic questions surrounding British Reformed theology is the definition of “Puritan.” Some scholars have despaired of being able to define it and its use is highly problematic. It is so because it is so frequently used to describe . . . Continue reading →
Free E-Book: John Preston on the Fullness of Christ
John Preston (1587–1628) was a Reformed English theologian and preacher. He was dean of Queens College, Cambridge, master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, regular preacher at Lincoln’s Inn, and chaplain to the King. His Wikipedia entry seems accurate enough. James T. O’Brien has . . . Continue reading →
Some Anglican Practices To Which The English Reformed Objected In 1603
In the Church service: that the cross in baptism, interrogatories ministered to infants, confirmation, as superfluous, may be taken away; baptism not to be ministered by women, and so explained; the cap and surplice not urged; that examination may go before the . . . Continue reading →