Witsius And Turretin On The Necessity And Efficacy Of Good Works In Salvation

Introduction There is no question among orthodox, i.e., confessional, Reformed folk whether good works are necessary as a consequence, evidence, and a fruit of justification and sanctification by grace alone, through faith alone. There is no question whether God’s moral law, whether summarized in . . . Continue reading →

Independence And The Practice Of The Faith

Mt Soledad

On Independence Day 2014 we should remember that one of the principal concerns of the founders of the Republic was the freedom not only to assemble for public worship but also to practice one’s religion. Since the so-called (and self-described) Enlightenment of . . . Continue reading →

How Reformed Orthodoxy Was Lost

J. A. Turretin’s struggle against the Consensus, in which he achieved victory in 1705, was, therefore, part of an effort for an inclusive Protestant fellowship. He did not press the issues raised in earlier discussions—predestination, imputation of original sin, the presence of . . . Continue reading →