Francis Turretin On Natural Law

XV. …it is even most absurd that the rational creature as rational should not be subject to him [God] in the genus of morals and not be governed by him suitably to his nature (i.e., by moral means) by the establishment of . . . Continue reading →

Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (4)

VIII. Fifth, the injustice of the demand appears also clearly in this—that they treacherously corrupt the writings of the fathers and endeavor to destroy whatever of candor remains and extinguish all memory of antiquity as far as they are able (most base . . . Continue reading →

Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (8)

XVII. From the faith of history which exhibits multiple worshipers of God and witnesses of the truth, who repeatedly opposed themselves to the papistical errors and bore testimony to the truth. For if there are granted many who by words, deeds and . . . Continue reading →

Heidegger and Turretin On The Election Of Christ

Canon V: Christ himself is also included in the gracious decree of divine election, not as the meritorious cause, or foundation prior to election itself, but as being himself also elect (I Pet 2:4, 6). Indeed, he was foreknown before the foundation . . . Continue reading →

Where Was Our Church Before Luther And Zwingli? (10)

From the confession of our opponents, who cannot deny that before Luther and Zwingli, there were innumerable persons who professed our faith and protested publicly against the papal errors. See what is related of the Waldenses and Albigenses, Hussites, Wycliffites, Lollards and . . . Continue reading →

Witsius And Turretin On The Necessity And Efficacy Of Good Works In Salvation

Introduction There is no question among orthodox, i.e., confessional, Reformed folk whether good works are necessary as a consequence, evidence, and a fruit of justification and sanctification by grace alone, through faith alone. There is no question whether God’s moral law, whether summarized in . . . Continue reading →

Independence And The Practice Of The Faith

Mt Soledad

On Independence Day 2014 we should remember that one of the principal concerns of the founders of the Republic was the freedom not only to assemble for public worship but also to practice one’s religion. Since the so-called (and self-described) Enlightenment of . . . Continue reading →

Christ’s Intercession As Our Surety

This intercession consists of various acts. (1) The appearing of Christ for us by which he places himself before God the father as the only satisfier for our sins, representing the blood once shall (i.e., The merit of his death) and asking . . . Continue reading →

Turretin On The Threefold Distinction In The Mosaic Law

I. The law given by Moses is usually distinguished into three species: moral (treating of morals or of perpetual duties towards God and our neighbor); ceremonial (of the ceremonies or rites about the sacred things to be observed under the Old Testament); . . . Continue reading →

How Reformed Orthodoxy Was Lost

J. A. Turretin’s struggle against the Consensus, in which he achieved victory in 1705, was, therefore, part of an effort for an inclusive Protestant fellowship. He did not press the issues raised in earlier discussions—predestination, imputation of original sin, the presence of . . . Continue reading →