You loved it as a print volume and as an e-book but you have been wishing that someone would record an audio version so that you could listen to it while you drive to and from work or on that long vacation drive this summer. Well, wait no longer. The audio version of Recovering the Reformed Confession is out now and available on Audible and other audiobook platforms.
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Hafa adai! Dr. Clark, it’s great to have your book on Audible, just picked it up! I couldn’t help noticing it was right under Douglas Wilson’s Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning in the search. Just think, if he’d read your book he wouldn’t have lost his tools for learning the Reformed faith! Thankful for your work! V.D.M. Guam
Thank you for converting your book to audio. Bought it today.
This is great! Any possibility it is coming to Logos?
We’ll look into it.