Warfield makes this distinction even clearer in an article he wrote for The Independent in 1893 titled, “The Inerrancy of the Original Autographs.” There he spoke of the autographic codex and the autographic text.6 The autographic codex, for example, is the original . . . Continue reading →
Inerrancy: A Historic Christian Doctrine
Now we come to the second concern of this article. Is the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture a fundamentalist doctrine? Clearly the doctrine of inerrancy was a doctrine held and taught in the church long before the rise of fundamentalism. Luther . . . Continue reading →
Does Inerrancy Apply Only To The Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts Of Scripture?
The final authority for Christian doctrine and the Christian life, as the Westminster Divines wrote, the Word of God in the original languages. This is why it is so important that our pastors and teachers receive a genuine education in the original languages and why we should expect them to continue learn and progress in their knowledge and use of the original languages in pastoral ministry. For centuries before the Renaissance and Reformation, most the ministers in the Western church lost the ability to read the Scriptures in the original languages. Indeed, to find an illiterate priest (one who could not read at all) was not unknown. In the Greek church, of course, they could at least read the New Testament but it was not until the Renaissance that the knowledge of Hebrew and Greek began to return more widely and to be taught again in the universities, where pastors were educated. The Reformed churches understood and appreciated the value of the knowledge of the original languages and expected the pastors to learn and use them. Continue reading →
Heidelvid Episode 1: Are The Scriptures Reliable?
Resources How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia Inerrancy Is The Historic Christian View Of Scripture Resources On The Inerrancy Of Scripture The HB Resource Archive Heidelmedia Archive
Office Hours: The Spirit-Breathed Inerrant Scriptures
In the Nicene Creed (325, 381 AD) Christians everywhere confess that the Holy Spirit “spoke by the prophets.” Ancient Christianity was marked by the highest regard for the Scriptures as God’s Word, given by the Spirit through the prophets and apostles. Since . . . Continue reading →
What Is True Faith? (6) Grounded In God’s Inerrant Word
Last time we saw that faith is a gift. The Evangelical Theological Society met in Baltimore this week. They discussed the inerrancy of Scripture. My former colleague and now frequent critic, John Frame, gave the plenary address defending the inerrancy of Scripture. . . . Continue reading →
The Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture
The White Horse Inn is a great gift to the churches. If you’re not a regular listener, you’re missing out. The last two programs have demonstrated just why the WHI is so valuable. Mike, Kim, Rod, and Ken have been discussing the . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours Special: WSC 30th Anniversary Round Table on Scripture (Update)
UPDATE March 16, 2010 If you’re subscribed to Office Hours in iTunes the latest episode should now be available. We had a (Microsoft induced) technical glitch but that has been repaired. If you’re not seeing the latest episode refresh Office Hours in . . . Continue reading →
Two Great Resources from Modern Reformation and White Horse Inn
The latest issue of Modern Reformation magazine is dedicated to the question of the nature of Scripture, particularly touching the question of inspiration and inerrancy. The issue features articles by Mike Horton, “God’s Word in Human Words,” and “The Truthfulness of Scripture”, Michael . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Beale on Inerrancy and the Apocalypse
Audio of his lecture on the use of the OT in the Revelation and it’s implications for the doctrine of inerrancy. (HT Jeff Waddington).
Kuyper on Scripture
Andrew is reading Kuyper
Beale on Inerrancy
Ben gives us a heads up about an important forthcoming book.